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Provision of public goods and services to the communities remains one of the mandates of governments, which in most developed and emerging economies has been decentralized to local governments. Guided by the assumption that the adoption of Information Communication Technologies ensures faster communication which enables local governments to serve the communities better, this study focused on the assessment of ICT adoption in local government authorities using Enugu North Local Government Council in Enugu State, Nigeria as a case study. Descriptive research design was used employing the survey methods for data collection. Primary data was collected through questionnaire administered to 134 respondents and analyzed using SPSS’s Chi square method, version 23.0. The study revealed that ICT adoption has a positive impact on the public service delivery of Enugu North Local Government Council. Thethat Information Communication Technology should be adopted in local government authorities; that public internet access points have a significant influence on administrative performance, E-government does have a significant positive effect on the public services delivery, and finally, e-portal does have an impact on public service delivery. Recommendations of the study is that local government authorities should consolidate their investments on deployment of ICT in the administrative processes so as to reap the benefits of ICT adoption, and the existing department improved to enlighten the staff of the local government on the benefits of effective utilization and application ofCTs in carrying out their day-to-day activities.


1.1       Background of the Study
1.2       Statement of Problem
1.3       Objective of the Study
1.4       Research Questions
1.5       Research Hypothesis
1.6       Significance of the Study
1.7...... Scope of the Study
1.8...... Limitations of the Study
1.9...... Operational Definition of Terms
1.10.... Profile of the Organisation
2.1.1... Information and Communication Technology
2.1.2... Local Government Systems and Administration
2.1.3... Overview of the Nigerian Local Government and Reforms
2.1.4... The Significance of Local Government
2.1.5... Global Trend of ICT Adoption in Local Governments
2.1.6... ICT Adoption in Africa
2.1.7... ICT Adoption in Nigeria Local Governments
2.1.8... Impact of ICT on Public Service Delivery
2.1.9... E-Government
2.1.10. Benefits of E-Government
2.1.11. Challenges Attributed to Implementation of E-Government in Nigeria
2.1.12. E-Government and Quality Public Service Delivery
2.2 Theoretical Framework
2.2.1 Technological Acceptance Model (TAM)
2.2.2 Information Systems Success Model
2.2.3 Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
2.2.4 New Public Management Theory
2.3 Empirical Framework
3.1...... Description of the Study Area
3.2...... Research Design
3.3...... Sources of Data
3.3.1... Primary Source of Data
3.4...... Population of the Study
3.5...... Sample Size Determination
3.6...... Instrument for Data Collection
3.7...... Validity of the Instrument
3.8...... Data Presentation and Analysis
3.8.1... Decision Rule
4.0...... Introduction
4.1...... Data Presentation
4.1.1... Distribution and Collection Of Questionnaire
4.2...... Data Relating to Research Questions.
4.2.1... To What Extent does Access to Internet Access Points Impact Administrative Performance of Enugu North Local Government Council?
4.2.2... Does E-Government Have any Influence on Public Service Delivery in Enugu North Local Government Council?
4.2.3... Have Access to Local Government E-Portal Impact on the Public Service Delivery in Enugu North Council?
4.3...... Test Of Hypotheses
........... Decision Rule
4.3.1... Test Of Hypothesis 1
4.4.2... Test Of Hypothesis 2
4.4.3... Test Of Hypothesis 3
5.1...... Summary of Findings
5.2...... Conclusions
5.3...... Recommendations


The Structure of Enugu North Council in Enugu State…………………………………………...8


Table 4.1.1 Gender
Table 4.1. 2 Age Bracket
Table 4.1.3  Educational Qualification.
Table 4.1.4  Occupation
Table 4.1.5  Marital Status
Table 4.2.1 Access to Internet Access Point has Made Workload Seems Very Small
Table 4.2. 2 Staff of the local government are now faster in attending to large number of person due to the provision of internet services in the office
Table 4.2.3 Citizens now know how to attain public service from the local government without going through much protocol.
Table 4.2.4  Internet access has made work more enjoyable and less stressful
Table 4.2.5  Improved service delivery is guaranteed due to e-government
Table 4.2.6  There has been increased transparency in public service delivery due to e-government
Table 4.2. 7 E-government has reduced the rate of corruption in public service delivery by public servants
Table 4.2.8  Staff of the local government can now serve more people than before due to e-government
Table 4.2. 9 E-portal has increased the public’s expectations for improved public service delivery by public servants
Table 4.2.10 Access to local government e-portal has saved me the time and energy to access public service in my area
Table 4.2.11 Citizens’ numerous complaints about poor public service delivery has been reduced drastically due to Access to local government e-portal
Table 4.2.12 Citizens can now access the local government authority anytime and get served the shortest possible time due to e-portal
Table 4.3.1  Test statistics for the impact of public internet access point on administrative performance of Enugu North Local Government council…
Table 4.3.2  Test statistics for the impact of e-government on public services delivery of Enugu North Local Government Council.
Table 4.3.3  Test statistics for the effect of e-portal on public service delivery of Enugu North Local Government Council.

1.1       Background of the Study                              
Knowledge is becoming one of the most valuable resources. Since the 1980s, we have been living in times characterized by rapid acceleration of civilization, which manifests itself, inter alia, in disseminating the use of information technology (IT) not only in business practice, but also in public institutions. Countries with efficient information and communication technology (ICT) programs are able to curb the level of corruption and promote good governance (Brussel, 2011) and reduce some aspects of social exclusion (ZenebeBeyene&Abdissa Zebra, 2014). The role of ICT in facilitating (political) information exchange is manifested in the way information flows fasterhroughout the planet for decision-making and for development (Ahmed, H., Bijay S., Suruchy, A., Peter, R., & Sahul, M.2006). Gurumurthy (2004) defined e-governance as the use of ICTs to improve government interactions with citizens. ICTs facilitate the sharing of information or ideas by different nations of the world. They can improve government and strengthen democracy and citizen empowerment and can help foster most transparent governance by enhancing interaction between government and citizens (United Nations Economic and Social Council, 2000). It can be particularly powerful in providing a voice to people who have been isolated and invisible. E-Governance is an instrument of an information society in the form of governance principles, strategies, systems and tools that enable the use of ICTs in mutual interactions between and among the key members of the society (State, citizens, and businesses) to strengthen democracy and support development (ICT for Local Government. 2007). Many public institutions have introduced e-government programs that incorporate ICT and use them to transform several dimensions of their operations, to create more accessible, transparent, effective and accountable government (Ali, M. A. 2011). Appropriate knowledge has to be possessed to be able to recognise or foresee changes occurring in the environment or citizen requirements from local government units, and to quickly react to these changes hence, the Relevance of ICT to governance of country.
The past decade has witnessed countries of the world dedicate efforts to embrace ICT in running activities of government due to the many benefits it provides (Che-Azemi, Romle, Udin, Mohd-Yusof, Husin and Shahuri, 2016). ICT enhances better connectivity between the government and the people, thereby bringing governance closer to the people (Ahmed et. al. 2006). In recent times, many countries have tried to reposition their public service for effective and efficient service delivery. Consequently, governments of nations have taken it upon themselves to carryout various reforms in the public sector by redesigning the structures, systems and processes to improve the delivering of services to their citizens (Adeyeye and Aladesanmi, 2010).
Transfer of competencies from the state to the local level, the municipalities are assuming greater development responsibilities for their communities. All these require a serious effort and the use of the information and communication technology in this process can and should assist local governments to work more efficiently and provide better services to the citizens.
At the local level, e-governance can enhance and support economic and social development, particularly in empowering officials and municipal representatives, ensuring linkages, networking, timely, efficient, and transparent services. E-Governance means exploiting the power of ICT to help transform the accessibility, quality and cost-effectiveness of public service and to help revitalise the relationship between customers and citizens and the public bodies who work on their benefit (ICT for Local Government,2007). According European researches local governments in developed countries are offering up to 77% of public e-services. Often local government portal is the first stop to reach also central government services (ICT for Local Government, 2007).
Service delivery has continued to be a major challenge to public services in Nigeria. A major focus of reform in many countries according to (Abdullah, 2008) is the redesign of structures, systems and processes to improve the delivery of services. The third Nigerian National Development Plan (1975-80) expressed the desire to establish effective local governments that could provide major social services at the local level. To enable these reach every locality, effective local institutions have to be established. This led to the 1976 Nation-wide local government reforms which were unique in that, it stated the major reason for the establishment of an effective local government system is to bring an efficient and humane delivery of basic social services. The 1976 local government reform sought to address, improve and modify the impoverishment of local government bureaucracies and the marked disparities in social services rendered between states and within states depending on the institutional capability of local government (Abdullah, 2008).
Arising from the above, the challenge of service delivery affects all citizens who demand quality services from public services. There is no doubt that the challenges and complexities of service delivery are widening in the Nigerian local government system. The advent of information communication technology thus presents opportunities for its use to facilitate effective service delivery in Nigerian public services particularly the local government system, as many countries around the world have embraced ICT as a way forward. In the early 1980s, the need to reform bureaucracy was highly discussed all over the world and as a result, the governments of developed and developing countries faced the challenge of transformation and the need to modernize administrative practices and management system (Tapscott, 1996). To this end, ICT is seen as a tool to support the works of governmental institutions and agencies with the objective of delivering public services and information in a more convenient, citizen-centric and cost-effective manner. Thus, in Nigerian local government system, ICT can be an effective tool to ensure increased access to government services, improved value for money as well as increased productivity.
This study therefore is geared towards the assessment of ICT adoption in local government authorities using Enugu North Local Government Council as a case study. The study also presents documentation on how ICT can be more effectively implemented in the affairs of Enugu North Council, Enugu State to enhance good and quality service delivery, the role and challenges of local government, and the potential benefits of ICT adoption in Enugu North Local Government Council.

1.2       Statement of Problem

Today, public institutions in different local governments operate similarly to commercial companies. They face unprecedented pressure to improve service quality while progressively lowering their costs. At the same time, they are expected to become more accountable, transparent, customer focused and responsive to stakeholder needs. In a climate of shrinking budgets and resources, government institutions are tasked with more than simply reducing costs but also increasing service levels and Enugu North Local Government Council is no exception. They face increased scrutiny from legislators, executives and other institutions. This brings about the need to increase transparency, accountability, and performance, as well as solve operational challenges, improve customer service, maximize resources and eliminate fraud, abuse and waste (MAIA Intelligence, 2014).
One of the major reasons given for the establishment of effective local government system in Nigeria was the efficient and humane delivery of basic social services. It therefore means that local governments in Nigeria were established to meet the basic social service needs of the citizens as quickly as possible. In other words, local governments exist to provide services to the citizens and were expected to render these services more efficiently and more effectively than other levels of government because of their closeness to the people. Unfortunately, this has not been the case as services delivery has continued to be a major challenge affecting many citizens who demand quality services from Enugu North Local Government Authority.
Despite the obvious benefits adoption of ICT in the running of the affairs of public sector of Nigeria can generate, Epileptic services, impoverished bureaucracy as well as lack of responsiveness to the citizens continue to be evident in the system.
Access to ICT is crucial to sustainable agenda for grassroots transformation. ICT enhances efficiency and makes positive impact on growth and development, enabling better delivery of public services such as health, education, agriculture, new sources of income and employment for less privileged members of the society. This means, any local government that is able to establish and develop ICT will reap the benefits of improved delivery of public services, experience development, better health service delivery and efficiency in responding to the citizens quickly with a degree of satisfaction.
Therefore, this study seeks to address poor service delivery, ineffective utilization and unavailability of ICT components common among local governments in Nigeria by assessing the effectiveness of use of ICT for services delivery in Enugu North Local Government Council. To this end, the study aims at ascertaining the level of ICT penetration in Enugu North Local Government in Enugu State and to find out whether Enugu North Local Government Council in Enugu State utilizes ICT components where available to perform their functions for effective services delivery.

1.3       Objective of the Study
The main objective of the study is the assessment of ICT adoption in Local Government Authorities using Enugu North Council in Enugu State, Nigeria as a case study while the specific objectives of this research are:

  • To investigate the impact of public internet access point on administrative performance of Enugu North Local Government council.
  • To determine the impact of e-government on public services delivery of Enugu North Council.
  • To examine the effect of e-portal on public service delivery of Enugu North Council.

1.4       Research Questions
This study aims at assessing the impact of ICT adoption in Local Government Authorities using Enugu North Council of Enugu State as its case study. The following essential questions were addressed in carrying out this research work:

  • To what extent to access to internet access points impact administrative performance of Enugu North Local Government Council?
  • What is the impact of e-government on public service delivery in Enugu North Council?
  • To what extent do access to local government e-portal impact on public service deliveryin Enugu North Council?

1.5       Research Hypothesis
Hypothesis 1
H0:       Public internet access does not have any positive impact on the administrative performance of local government authority of Enugu North.
H1:       Public internet access does have a positive impact on the administrative performance of local government authority of Enugu North.
Hypothesis 2
H0:       E-government does not have any effect on the public services delivery of Enugu North Council.
H1:       E-government does have an effect on the public services delivery of Enugu North Council.
Hypothesis 3
H0:       E-portal does not have any impact on public service delivery in Enugu North Council.
H1:       E-portal does have impact on public service delivery in Enugu North Council.

1.6       Significance of the Study
This study would also benefit all stakeholders of the Enugu North Local Government Council in carrying out their public administrative duties and services some of these stakeholders this study will particularly benefit include;

  • Enugu State Government through the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Matters who oversees the activities and administration of local government councils. Specific areas this study will help the ministry is in identifying and highlighting impediments to the realization of good and efficient governance and how to effectively utilize the opportunity information and communication technology brings. One of the aim of the ministry is to define the perspective and measures of good governance at the grassroots which happens to be one of the major concern of this study.
  • Local governments, Enugu North Local Government Authority in particular:The findings of this research will serve to improve the operational effectiveness and efficiency of the Enugu Local Government Authority and bring to fore common trends that limits the effective utilization of ICT on public service delivery. The findings will also help in providing a clear benefit on the adoption of ICT on local government affairs and the associated cost of not investing in ICTs.
  • Researchers in this thematic area who would rely on this research to deepen their scholarly works in this area.

The choice of the study for this research work is driven by the rise in economic and technological advancement in the world and government is taking a bold step towards the use and adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in all its sectors including the grassroots level. It is therefore important that all parties involved in carrying out the administrative and public duties and services of the local government should be knowledgeable and have understanding on the use and operation of information technology.

1.7       Scope of the Study

This study aims at assessing the adoption of Information and Communication Technology in local government authorities using Enugu North Local Government Council as a case study. The choice of this local Government in Enugu State was based on the strategic mechanism that the state government put in place to ensure a more coordinated ICT adoption in her grassroots level. It was observed that the local government has introduced automated technologies in their operations which further justify the choice for this study. Specific focus will be on the application of ICT in the payment of staff salaries and internally generated revenue.

1.8       Limitations of the Study

Time: Some information needed for this work are not easily accessible from the net and this pose some constraint on the part of the researcher as she has to on several occasion book appointmentswith the chairman, Enugu North Local government and in most instance have to reschedule another day due to the busy schedule of the chairman which in most cases is not time friendly.
Finance: is very important to every research work, as the information is not found in a particular branch, the researcher need to transport him/her to the place the information can be gotten. And this entails money.

1.9       Operational Definition of Terms

Local government: Section 7(1) of the 1999 constitution provides that: the system of local government by democratically elected local government council is under this constitution guaranteed; and accordingly, the government of every state shall, subject to section 8 of this constitution, ensure their existence under a law which provides for the establishment, structure, composition, finance and function of such councils.
Municipality: This is defined as a district with a government that typically encloses no other governed districts; a borough, city, or incorporated town or village. It could also refer to the governing body of such district.
E-governance: Electronic governance or e-governance is the application of IT for delivering government services, exchange of information, communication transactions, integration of various stand-alone systems between government to citizen (G2C), government-to-business (G2B), government-to-government (G2G), government-to-employees (G2E) as well as back office processes and interactions within the entire government framework (Saugata, B., &Masud, 2007).

1.10     Profile of the Organisation

Enugu North Local Government Area was formed on 27th August 1991 during the administration of General Ibrahim Babangida after the creation of Enugu state. This local government was carved out from the then Enugu Local government which was a previous local government area in the former Anambra state. Enugu North Local government is bordered on three (3) sides by three (3) local government areas; these local government areas are: Enugu South Local Government Area in the south, Enugu East Local Government Area in the east and Enugu North Local Government are in the north (Enugu North Local Government Council, 2021). It has an area of 106km2 and a population of 244,852 at the 2006 census and the postal code of the area is 400. There are 13 wards in Enugu North local government council and they include; Asata Township, China Town, G.R.A, Ogui New-layout, Ihewuzi, Independence Layout, New Haven, Ogbete West, Ogbete East, Ogui Township, Onu-asata, Udi-Siding/Iva valley, and Umunevo. (Sidings, 2021).
ICT adoption in Enugu North council occurred in the year 1999 during the continent-wide initiative, the African Information Society Initiative (AISI). The AISI action plan framework called for the formation of National Information and Communication Infrastructure (NICI) plans and strategies. This was to be an on-going process through planning, implementation, regular evaluation of programs and pilot projects developed according to the needs and priorities of each region (African Development Forum, 1999). There was no significant achievement of the adoption of ICT in Enugu North Council until October 1999 when the Nigerian government issued a document on telecommunications development strategy and investment opportunities. Similarly, in October 1999 the National Policy on Telecommunication was approved. The document contained policy statements on objectives, structure, competition policy, satellite communication, management structure, finance and funding, manpower development and training, Internet, research and development, safety and security, international perspectives, and policy implementation and review (FRN, 2000). The national policy on telecommunication was a key step in the development of infrastructural base for ICT in the local government. In 2001 the Federal Government approved the Nigerian national policy for information technology and the establishment of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA).These policies facilitated the adoption of ICT in the administration of the Enugu North Council local government affairs, which made them record increased and efficient provision of public services to the citizens. Currently, there has been a wide initiative by Enugu State Government to intensify the utilization of ICT components in every sector of the economy and in every local government area in the state. One of such current initiatives is the inauguration of new tech hubs, and youth innovation centres in three-arms-zone, namely, independence layout, Enugu North Council, Enugu South Council and ObolloAfor, in Udenu Local Government Area, on 18 March, 2021(Premium Times, 18/03/2021).

CHAPTER TWO: The chapter one of this work has been displayed above. The complete chapter two of "an assessment of information communication technology adoption in local government authorities (a study of enugu north local government council, enugu state)" is also available. Order full work to download. Chapter two of "an assessment of information communication technology adoption in local government authorities (a study of enugu north local government council, enugu state)" consists of the literature review. In this chapter all the related work on "an assessment of information communication technology adoption in local government authorities (a study of enugu north local government council, enugu state)" was reviewed.

CHAPTER THREE: The complete chapter three of "an assessment of information communication technology adoption in local government authorities (a study of enugu north local government council, enugu state)" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter three of "an assessment of information communication technology adoption in local government authorities (a study of enugu north local government council, enugu state)" consists of the methodology. In this chapter all the method used in carrying out this work was discussed.

CHAPTER FOUR: The complete chapter four of "an assessment of information communication technology adoption in local government authorities (a study of enugu north local government council, enugu state)" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter four of "an assessment of information communication technology adoption in local government authorities (a study of enugu north local government council, enugu state)" consists of all the test conducted during the work and the result gotten after the whole work

CHAPTER FIVE: The complete chapter five of design and construction of a "an assessment of information communication technology adoption in local government authorities (a study of enugu north local government council, enugu state)" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter five of "an assessment of information communication technology adoption in local government authorities (a study of enugu north local government council, enugu state)" consist of conclusion, recommendation and references.



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