USER'S INSTRUCTIONS: The project work you are about to view is on "design and construct a microcontroller based on building facility security system". Please, sit back and study the below research material carefully. This project topic ( design and construct a microcontroller based on building facility security system) have complete 5(five) Chapters. The complete Project Material/writeup include: Abstract + Introduction + etc + Literature Review + methodology + etc + Conclusion + Recommendation + References/Bibliography.Our aim of providing this "design and construct a microcontroller based on building facility security system" project research material is to reduce the stress of moving from one school library to another all in the name of searching for "design and construct a microcontroller based on building facility security system" research materials. We are not encouraging any form of plagiarism. This service is legal because, all institutions permit their students to read previous projects, books, articles or papers while developing their own works.
This is to certify that the research work, "design and construct a microcontroller based on building facility security system" by ---, Reg. No. --/H2007/01430 submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement award of a Higher National Diploma on --- has been approved.
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This project is dedicated to Almighty God for his protection, kindness, strength over my life throughout the period and also to my --- for his financial support and moral care towards me.Also to my mentor --- for her academic advice she often gives to me. May Almighty God shield them from the peril of this world and bless their entire endeavour Amen.
The successful completion of this project work could not have been a reality without the encouragement of my --- and other people. My immensely appreciation goes to my humble and able supervisor mr. --- for his kindness in supervising this project.
My warmest gratitude goes to my parents for their moral, spiritual and financial support throughout my study in this institution.
My appreciation goes to some of my lecturers among whom are Mr. ---, and Dr. ---. I also recognize the support of some of the staff of --- among whom are: The General Manager, Deputy General manager, the internal Auditor Mr. --- and the ---. Finally, my appreciation goes to my elder sister ---, my lovely friends mercy ---, ---, --- and many others who were quite helpful.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This work "design and construct a microcontroller based on building facility security system" research material is a complete and well researched project material strictly for academic purposes, which has been approved by different Lecturers from different higher institutions. We made Preliminary pages, Abstract and Chapter one of "design and construct a microcontroller based on building facility security system" visible for everyone, then the complete material on "design and construct a microcontroller based on building facility security system" is to be ordered for. Happy viewing!!!
The main objective of this project was to ensure a proper security to building facilities. This device functions as a major security device used in residential, commercial, industrial, and military properties for protection against burglary (theft), fire and and gas leakage which are the most rampant home accident.
The home security system project comprises of 3-basic modules, namely gas sensor, IR sensor and fire sensor module. Where IR modules work for the safety of doors from the intruder in case we are out of the home. Another module is an LPG gas sensor. It is provided to notice the LPG Gas outflow. A buzzer will generate the sound when Gas is noticed by the sensor. The third part of the project helps to detect fire accident in homes.
This work is on design and construction of a microcontroller based home security system. Security is the main concern for everyone. Everyone wants to live securely in his/her house. Everybody wants themselves to keep safe or secure from various incidents like theft in their house or accidents caused due to LPG gas leakage or accidents due to fire in their house. Now days many times we hear news about house robbery or theft in some houses, bungalows, flats. These robberies or thefts take place when nobody is in house or in some cases we find that robbery take place even if people are in their houses. Another bad news we hear is about accidents are caused or blast happens because of LPG gas cylinder leakage. In house we find that LPG gas is commonly and widely used for cooking purpose. So in every kitchen we find that LPG gas cylinder is placed. However due to some reasons, LPG gas might leak from these cylinders. And because of this LPG gas leakage, fire might be ignited or it can even cause the LPG gas cylinder blast. Which can damage the house or in even worst situations, it can cause life threat to the person living inside the house.
This project has 3 basic modules along with a GSM modem. GSM modem is used to send the SMS whenever there are changes in any of the three modules.
First module of this project detects if any person is entering inside the house. This feature is helpful at night time or whenever we are out of our home.
Second part of project serves the functionality of a door-latch opening using a password entered through keypad. As well as sending this data to a GSM modem through serial port. This module also turns on buzzer if 3 wrong passwords are entered consequently. User can change this password anytime he/she wish using a keypad. Third module uses LPG gas sensor to detect the gas leakage. If there is leakage then buzzer is turned on.
Another problem / fear are about fire in our house. There can be various reason of this fire being ignited or house getting caught in fire. Reason of fire can be electrical short circuit or due to some other things like candles or oil lamps kept inside our house or because of fireworks in festival season. Early detection of all these problems is really necessary. Sometimes fire lighted is small but if proper attention is not paid to it or if proper actions are not taken to control this fire, then it can convert into big tragedy as this fire can spread in complete house. Same with LPG gas leakage, if it is detected on time and if it is controlled on time then it can avoid a big accident. Also in case of robbery it would be beneficial if we can blow some alarm. Let’s take an example that we are out of our home and theft is going on in our house. In such case if we are intimated about theft then we can inform our neighbors, then they can create some noise or take some appropriate action so that this theft can be avoided. Let’s take another problem; sometimes key of our home is lost. If we do not replace our lock and if these keys are found by thieves then it can cause robbery. We all know that duplicate key can be created within few minutes and also key duplication is easy. These are the disadvantages of traditional locking system which uses a key and a lock. To overcome all the above stated disadvantages of existing system we have designed a GSM based home security system. It can avoid these undesirable situations, hazardous conditions like LPG gas leakage, fire ignition and theft.
Security is a prime concern in our day-today life. Everyone wants to be as much secure as possible. Knowing your home is protected provides peace of mind both when you are away and when you are home. Security is important even if you have outstanding public safety agencies (police, fire, highway patrol, etc.) in your area. There are far more homes than there are police officers, not to mention a plethora of skilled thieves. So we would like to implement our project to do everything possible to make your house secure rather than just relying on others.
In this project, the main of this work is to designed a simple but very efficient home security that has a function of sending SMS to the homeowner on his/her mobile number in case of an intruder, fire or wrong entry alert.
This project has three basic modules along with a GSM modem. GSM modem is used to send the SMS whenever there are changes in any of the three modules.
First module of this project detects if any person is entering inside the house. This feature is helpful at night time or whenever we are out of our home.
Second part of project serves the functionality of a door-latch opening using a password entered through keypad. As well as sending this data to a GSM modem through serial port. This module also turns on buzzer if 3 wrong passwords are entered consequently. User can change this password anytime he/she wish using a keypad. Third module uses LPG gas sensor to detect the gas leakage. If there is leakage then buzzer is turned on.
- Constant Protection: If you install a monitored alarm system in your home, you and your family have round-the-clock the protection against break-ins. Some systems also have fire alarms built in, which provides additional reassurance. The constant protection of an alarm system is particularly comforting when you may be away from your home for an extended period or you must leave your children home alone for an evening. It also means that your home is protected while you are sleeping so you can have peace of mind about your family's safety and get a good night's sleep.
- Deterrent to Criminals: Most home alarm systems provide small lawn signs or placards for your window that indicate that your home is protected by a security company. In many cases, the presence of this type of sign alone may persuade burglars and other criminals to pass over your home and move on to a dwelling that is not protected by a security system. Be sure to clearly display the decals and signs from your monitoring company to fully advertise your home's security.
- Lower Insurance Rates: While there is a significant cost to install a home alarm system, it can mean a financial advantage as well. Your insurance company may actually adjust the rate on your homeowners insurance policy if you have a system installed in your home. Because your home is protected from theft – and in many cases, fire – costly incidences that might require you to make a claim are less likely to occur in your home. As a result, your insurance company can lower your rate.
- Remote indication: With the use of GSM technology owner of the house or industry get remote indication through SMS. So even if the user is away from home or industry, he/she will be intimated about the hazardous or undesirable conditions / situations inside the house.
- This system is fully automated. So once this system is installed inside home or industry, then it does not require any human interaction to operate.
With the use of this system we can save the life of person inside home / industry. Since the accidents caused due to fire and LPG gas leakage can cause life threat. - Also the property inside house and various materials inside the house and industry are saved from to theft and from fire detection.
- This system is Cost effective. Also it is Fast and efficient
Cut Phone Line: If your alarm system is connected to your security company by phone line only, you can run into problems. A burglar may cut your phone line before entering your home and all monitoring and communication with your alarm company is terminated. As a result, it is a good idea to have a cellular radio installed with your system, which will allow communication with the security company even if the phone line is cut.
False Alarms: While a home alarm system can provide security and peace of mind, it has the potential to become fairly annoying as well. It is not uncommon for false alarms to occur with your system. In some cases, the police or fire department may be dispatched to your home before you have a chance to explain the mistake to your security company. Some police departments may charge you if they are repeatedly called to your home without reason. To avoid false alarms, consult with your alarm company to determine what might be causing them so you can make adjustments. Expense: The primary disadvantage of a home alarm system may be its expense. It is costly to have the system installed in the first place, but security companies charge a daily or monthly fee to provide monitoring services as well. These fees can quickly add up, so if you are on a budget, it may put a strain on your finances.
1) This project has its main application in security system. This project can be used in home as SMS based domestic security system. It will be really useful for the security of flat, bungalow or any row house. It can be used in our house for theft detection at night time. The other part of the project (password detector) can be used to automate the door locking process, so the user need not to carry the door lock keys along with him, he/she can just remember the password and use it later to open the door.
2) Various parameters monitored in this project like LPG gas leakage, theft detection and overheat due to fire are also applicable for industrial purpose as well. So this system can also be used in industries as a GSM based industrial security system.
3) We can use this project in Restaurants as well as hotels, since LPG Gas cylinders are majorly used for cooking purpose in hotels and restaurants. Also they are very much prone to fire. So this project can be fitted in cooking section or kitchen of hotels. We can also use this project for the lodging rooms in hotels or rented rooms in a hotel. User will be provided a password to enter in this room and various parameters in this room will be monitored.
4) This project can be used in hospitals. We need to do little bit modifications for use in hospital. We can add oxygen gas sensor to detect the leakage in oxygen gas cylinders, as it can also cause fire. The password operated locking section can be used in hospitals for those rooms which have limited access like rooms with chemical or x-ray machine units. So only authorized person can gain access to this areas/rooms/sections.
To achieve the aim and objectives of this work, the following are the steps involved:
- Study of the previous work on the project so as to improve it efficiency.
- Draw a block diagram.
- Test for continuity of components and devices,
- programming of microcontroller
- Design and calculation for the work was carried out.
- Studying of various component used in circuit.
- Construct the whole circuit.
- Finally, the whole device was cased and final test was carried out.
The work is organized as follows: chapter one discuses the introductory part of the work, chapter two presents the literature review of the study, chapter three describes the methods applied, chapter four discusses the results of the work, chapter five summarizes the research outcomes and the recommendations.
CHAPTER TWO: The chapter one of this work has been displayed above. The complete chapter two of "design and construct a microcontroller based on building facility security system" is also available. Order full work to download. Chapter two of "design and construct a microcontroller based on building facility security system" consists of the literature review. In this chapter all the related work on "design and construct a microcontroller based on building facility security system" was reviewed.
CHAPTER THREE: The complete chapter three of "design and construct a microcontroller based on building facility security system" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter three of "design and construct a microcontroller based on building facility security system" consists of the methodology. In this chapter all the method used in carrying out this work was discussed.
CHAPTER FOUR: The complete chapter four of "design and construct a microcontroller based on building facility security system" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter four of "design and construct a microcontroller based on building facility security system" consists of all the test conducted during the work and the result gotten after the whole work
CHAPTER FIVE: The complete chapter five of design and construction of a "design and construct a microcontroller based on building facility security system" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter five of "design and construct a microcontroller based on building facility security system" consist of conclusion, recommendation and references.
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