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Design And Construction Of A Finger Print Door Lock Using Arduino Uno Board

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PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This work"design and construction of a finger print door lock using arduino uno board"research material is a complete and well researched project material strictly for academic purposes, which has been approved by different Lecturers from different higher institutions. We made Preliminary pages, Abstract and Chapter one of"design and construction of a finger print door lock using arduino uno board"visible for everyone, then the complete material on"design and construction of a finger print door lock using arduino uno board" is to be ordered for. Happy viewing!!!


The source of electrical energy from living plants comes from plants' interaction with soil microbes  (2015). Plants process solar energy through photosynthesis. The process produces a variety of materials needed to support plant development. The resulting material is partly used by plants and partly excreted through the roots. Microorganisms around the plant root zone process these wastes. The process is a series of biochemical reactions that produce electron release. The electrons released during the reaction can be captured with electrodes placed around tree roots to harvest electrical energy. The generation of electrical energy continues for as long as plants live. The process of harvesting electricity does not produce pollution that interferes with plants' living processes (Nitisoravut ET AL., 2017).
Several studies have been conducted to determine the amount of electrical potential generated by living plants. Research conducted by researchers from the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands managed to measure the output power of 0.4W at a radius of one meter from the plant (Hamelers, 2012). MIT researchers managed to measure several trees' potential and get the average electric potential of the tree obtained at 200mV (Hao ET AL., 2013). At the same time, research from Indonesia was conducted by the Unlam Physics Department and found that mango trees were able to emit 1.2V electrical potential, 400mV jackfruit trees, 345mV acid trees, and 90mV banana trees.
Based on these results, Indonesia's trees are very potential as an alternative source of electrical energy with a high voltage compared to tree species in Europe and America. Indonesia's biological wealth in the form of wood plants is enormous and varied. Wood plants are often found in wild forests and urban forests as green zones or urban forest parks. Electricity needs in these forests will be met from the results of electricity generation from living plants. Electronic devices that may be operated in wild forests are forest environmental conditions (temperature and humidity) monitoring devices or forest fire prevention devices. Electricity needs in urban forest parks come from lighting lamps, monitoring devices for environmental conditions (temperature, temperature, air quality), or charging smartphone park visitors. Based on the problems and considered the ideas, it is necessary to study the potential of electrical energy from living plants in Indonesian forests, specifically in urban forest parks. This study will use variations in the electrode material and the distance between the electrodes in measuring electrical potential and the potential of electric energy generated. This study's results can provide knowledge related to the development of innovations in the field of renewable energy by utilizing living plants as a source of electrical energy to reduce dependence on fossil energy.

Like humans who cook food to get energy, plants also "cook" their food to carry on life and grow. Every plant that has chlorophyll or green leaf substances does a cooking process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process of converting solar energy into chemical energy. Plants use sunlight, water, and nutrients from the soil, and carbon dioxide from the air, then process it to become glucose or sugar and produce oxygen as a byproduct (Strik et al., 2018).
Research to utilize the organic material left over from photosynthesis from the plant has been carried out by a group of Dutch scientists who are members of the Plant-e company. They managed to harvest electricity from living plants, without damaging or killing it. This breakthrough nicknamed Plant- Microbial Fuel Cell (Plant-MFC) utilizes the natural bacteria of plants to produce electricity. Glucose (C6H12O6) produced from photosynthesis is not all utilized by plants, as much as 70 percent of photosynthesis is not used by plants and thrown away through its roots (Strik et al., 2018). Organic matter which is discharged into the soil will be decomposed by microorganisms naturally into carbon dioxide (CO2), protons (H+), and electrons (e-). Harvesting electrical energy is done by capturing these electrons by using electrodes. Electrons released will be wasted if they are not accommodated, so the electron capture process does not interfere with plant development. Energy harvesting can continue, and plants can grow naturally so that this energy source is renewable and environmentally friendly.
The experiment was carried out by placing two carbon pieces, which separated the bulkhead and functioned as an anode and cathode. The anode is placed by bacteria to attract electrons (e-) and flow it towards the cathode to become a source of electrical energy in the same direction. Electrical energy is used by the cathode to attract protons (H +) and combine them with oxygen (O2). This cycle continues all the time, both at night and during the day, while plants are still alive. This experiment can produce a power of 0.4W per square meter within a plant radius. The types of plants used in this study were grasses, including rice (Strik et al., 2018).


Figure 1. Principles for Harvesting Electric Energy from Plants


Plant Power is electricity based on cooperation of living plants and microorganisms in a fuel cell. Plant-e develops products in which living plants generate electricity. These products are based on technology that was developed at Wageningen University, which was patented in 2007. The patent is now held by Plant-e. The technology enables us to produce electricity from living plants at practically every site where plants can grow. The technology is based on natural processes and is safe for both the plant and its environment. Plants capture light energy during photosynthesis. In this process carbon dioxide and water is taken up and converted into chemical bonds of sugars. Part of this chemically stored energy is transferred via the roots and littered into the soil. This energy transported into the soil can be captured by the so-called electro- chemical active bacteria. These micro-organisms are capable to oxidize the organic matter and transfer energy rich electrons to an electrode. The energy carried by the electrons can be used as electrical energy, after which the electrons react at another electrode with oxygen to form water. This technology is called the Plan- Microbial Fuel Cell (PlantMFC) (FIGURE 2 below) (Gowtham and Shunmug Sundar, 2015).

FIGURE 2: Scheme of Plant Power Model (PPM)
Hybrid Tree Model (HTM)
Living plants are literally "green" power source, which may become one of future's electricity supplies that perfectly integrates in natural environments and is accessible all over the world. The researchers’ team coordinated by Barbara Mazzolai, Center for Micro-Bio Robotics (CMBR) of IIT in Pontedera (Pisa, Italy). In 2012 she coordinated the EU funded project Plantoid, which brought to the realization of the first plant robot in the world. In this last study, the research team studied plants and showed that leaves can create electricity when they are touched by a distinct material or by the wind. Researchers also showed that an 'hybrid tree' (FIGURE 3) made of natural and artificial leaves can act as an innovative 'green' electrical generator converting wind into electricity (Fabian Meder, et. al., 2018).
Certain leaf structures are capable to convert mechanical forces applied at the leaf surface into electrical energy, because of the specific composition that most plant leaves naturally provide. In detail, the leaf is able to gather electric charges on its surface due to a process called contact electrification. These charges are then immediately transmitted into the inner plant tissue. The plant tissue acts similar to a "cable" and transports the generated electricity to other parts of the plant. Hence, by simply connecting a "plug" to the plant stem, the electricity generated can be harvested and used to power electronic devices. IIT's researchers show that the voltage generated by a single leaf may reach to more than 150 Volts, enough to simultaneously power 100 LED light bulbs each time the leaf is touched (Fabian Meder, et. al., 2018).
Researchers additionally describe for the first time how this effect can be used to convert wind into electricity by plants. Therefore, researchers modified a Nerum oleander tree with artificial leaves that touch the natural Nerum oleander leaves. When wind blows into the plant and moves the leaves, the "hybrid tree" (FIGURE 3) produces electricity. The electricity generated increases the more leaves are touched. Consequently, it can be easily up-scaled by exploiting the whole surface of the foliage of a tree or even a forest. The new hybrid tree was powered by the new plant-derived energy source, showing that plants may become one of future's electricity supplies, accessible all over the world (Fabian Meder, et. al., 2018).

FIGURE 3: The hybrid tree is made of natural and artificial leaves.

Mimics Trees Model (MTM)

The concept of wind energy harvesting by artificial plants has been considered in primary literature, patents, grants and by commercial concerns (Hadhazy, 2009; Van der Beek, 2011; Oh et. al., 2010; Zhang, et. al., 2014; Li et. al., 2011; VTT, 2015). The rationale underlying fabrication of wind-harvesting plants is multifold. Visual and acoustic impacts of wind turbine farms are widely-shared concerns (Hadhazy, 2009) and artificial plants may be less of a hazard to bats and birds than are wind turbines (Curry, 2009). In these schemes electromechanical coupling is achieved by piezoelectric elements assembled into the faux plant. To adapt piezo transducers to plant structures it is necessary to consider frequencies, stress levels and stochastic movement vis a vis modes that effectively excite piezoelectric generators. Piezoelectric elements act as capacitors that self-charge under stress and capacitive coupling introduces serious challenges to energy harvesting schemes, including impedance mismatch of source and load, dissipation of low frequency signals by RC filtration and parasitic capacitance. Unique properties of particular materials, e.g., PVDF, electro-active paper. and PZT also set boundary conditions on empirical models (McCloskey et al., 2017).
A prototype biomimetic tree has been built that generates electricity when wind blows through its artificial leaves. Small strips of specialized plastic inside the leaf stalks release an electrical charge when bent by moving air. Such processes are known as piezoelectric effects. Scientists have built a device that mimics the branches and leaves of a cottonwood tree and generates electricity when its artificial leaves sway in the wind. Cottonwood leaves were modelled because their flattened leaf stalks compel blades to oscillate in a regular pattern that optimizes energy generation by flexible piezoelectric strips (McCloskey et al., 2017).
A synthetic cottonwood tree was made from an aluminum trellis and plastic leaves anchored to the branches with duct tape (FIGURE 4). Leaves were aligned at 0° (azimuthal) to wind direction and ~ 45° down from horizontal. Rectified output from each leaf was connected to a parallel bus and voltage measured across 10 MΩ load (McCloskey et al., 2017).
Wind energy-harvesting tree of ten plastic leaves bearing polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) inserts that generated 47 mV peak voltage (Oh et al., 2009) and “leaf generator” from PZT nano-fibers. that produced 820 mV peak voltage in wind of 17 m/s (Zhang et al., 2014). Development of more effective piezo-leaf with a “vertical flapping stalk” that generated ~ 100 to 300 μW in modest wind (Li et al., 2011) and “for practical application” suggested assembly of devices with “hundreds or thousands of the Piezo-leaves, like ivy, tree and forest.” Solar Botanic plans to tap both wind and solar energy from groves of “Energy Trees” sprouting their patented “Nanoleaf” (Van der Beek, 2011). The researchers think such technology may help people charge household appliances without the need for large wind turbines (McCloskey et al., 2017).
Description: C:\Users\hyclass\Documents\images.jpg
FIGURE 4: Cottonwood-shaped plastic leaves mounted on aluminium trellis.


CHAPTER TWO: The chapter one of this work has been displayed above. The complete chapter two of"design and construction of a finger print door lock using arduino uno board" is also available. Order full work to download. Chapter two of"design and construction of a finger print door lock using arduino uno board"consists of the literature review. In this chapter all the related work on"design and construction of a finger print door lock using arduino uno board"was reviewed.

CHAPTER THREE: The complete chapter three of"design and construction of a finger print door lock using arduino uno board"is available. Order full work to download. Chapter three of"design and construction of a finger print door lock using arduino uno board"consists of the methodology. In this chapter all the method used in carrying out this work was discussed.

CHAPTER FOUR: The complete chapter four of"design and construction of a finger print door lock using arduino uno board"is available. Order full work to download. Chapter four of"design and construction of a finger print door lock using arduino uno board"consists of all the test conducted during the work and the result gotten after the whole work

CHAPTER FIVE: The complete chapter five of"design and construction of a finger print door lock using arduino uno board"is available. Order full work to download. Chapter five of"design and construction of a finger print door lock using arduino uno board"consist of conclusion, recommendation and references.



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