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This project is dedicated to Almighty God for his protection, kindness, strength over my life throughout the period and also to my --- for his financial support and moral care towards me.Also to my mentor --- for her academic advice she often gives to me. May Almighty God shield them from the peril of this world and bless their entire endeavour Amen.
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PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This work "functional, anti nutritional, pasting and mineral properties of composite meals from potatoes and plantain peel" research material is a complete and well researched project material strictly for academic purposes, which has been approved by different Lecturers from different higher institutions. We made Preliminary pages, Abstract and Chapter one of ""functional, anti nutritional, pasting and mineral properties of composite meals from potatoes and plantain peel visible for everyone, then the complete material on "functional, anti nutritional, pasting and mineral properties of composite meals from potatoes and plantain peel" is to be ordered for. Happy viewing!!!
- Background of the study
- Problem statement
- Aim and objectives of the study
- Justification
- Scope of study
- Staple food
- Roots and tuber crops
- Potato
- Nutritional value of potato
- Uses of potatoes
- Plantain peel
- Nutrient composition of plantain peels
- Plantain peels anti-nutrients and processing methods
- Materials
- Production of unripe plantain peel flour
- Production of sweet potato flour
- Blending of flour
- Nutrient composition of flour meals
3.5.1 Proximate composition and energy estimation
3.5.2 Determination of vitamin C content
3.5.3 Determination of total carotenoid
3.5.4 Determination of mineral composition
3.5.5 Determination of antinutritional factors
3.6 Functional properties of flour blends
3.6.1 Dispersibility
- Bulk density
- Water absorption capacity
- Oil absorption capacity (OAC)
3.6.5 Foaming capacity
3.6.6 Emulsification capacity
3.6.7 Least gelation concentration
3.7 Determination of pasting properties of flour meals
3.8 Determination of flour meals’ color
3.9 Data analysis
- Conclusion and recommendation
- References
1.1 Background of the Study
Plantain and potatoes popular as a staple food in many parts of Nigeria and are the popular snack items in Nigeria.
According to Noorfarahzihah, Lee, Sharifudin, Mohd-Fadzelly, and Hasmadi (2014), composite flour is defined as a mixture of flours from tubers (e.g. cassava, yam, plantain, sweet potato) and/or legumes (e.g. soybean, pigeon pea, peanut) and/or cereal (e.g. maize, wheat, rice, millet, buckwheat). The use of composite flour has been identified by researchers as possible avenue of producing high-quality nutritious food products and a means of reducing the huge amount of foreign exchange spent by Nigeria in the importation of wheat flour (Olaoye, Onilude, & Idowu, 2006; Nwosu, 2013; Vaughan, Afolami, Oyekale, & Ayegbokiki, 2014).
Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) is an important starchy staple and commercial crop in the West and Central Africa where 50% of the world's plantain crops is produced (Swannan, 1990). Cassava, plantian, yam and sweet potato are among the major starchy crops which are consumed in many tropical country (FAO, 1990). In many Africa countries plantain is consumed as a cheap source of energy and is medically recommended for diabetic patients due to its relatively low glycemic index Akubor and Ishiwu 2013, Eleazu and Okafor 2015). Plantain is a popular dietary staple due to its versatility and good nutritional value. They are invaluable source of carbohydrate, comparable in nutritive value to yam or potato and are useful as a variant on the usual staple foods. It is consumed mainly in Nigeria as snacks in form of chips, dodo Ikire etc. and it can be cooked or roasted and eat with red palm oil. Plantain is considered nutritionally poor because of its deficiency in fat and protein content (Odenigbo et al., 2013), therefore supplementation of plantain flour with inexpensive staple such as legumes, cereals or pulses help to improve the nutritional quality of plantain product (Fanakin get al., 2016).
Basically, plantain is an essential source of minerals (iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium), vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, and C), polyphenols, resistant starch, and antioxidants (Juarez-Garcia, Agama-Acevedo, Sa′Yago-Ayerdi, Rodriguez-Ambriz, & Bello-Pe′rez, 2006; Vergara-Valencia et al., 2007). Plantain flour has been reported to increase the indigestible carbohydrates in food products and decreased glycemic response (Ovando-Martinez, Sáyago-Ayerdi, Agama-Acevedo, Goñi, & Bello-Pérez, 2009; Preedy, Watsoa, & Patel, 2011; Ayo-Omogie & Ogunsakin, 2013; Osorio-Díaz et al., 2014; Almanza-Bentiez, Osorio-Diaz, Mendez-Montealvo, Islas-Hernandez, & Bello-Perez, 2015). Plantain, locally known as ogede bello was introduced into Nigeria by International Institute of Tropical Agriculture to check the incidence of Black Sigatoka disease. It was found to possess good agronomic characteristics and is less seasonal in production than dessert plantain (Tshiunza, Lemchi, Onyeka, & Tenkouano, 2001; Adeniji, Tenkouano, Ezurike, Ariyo, & Vroh-Bi, 2010). It is considered suitable for the preparation of flour because it is cheap, has high starch content and is less discolored during drying when compared with those prepared from dessert banana types (Suntharalingam & Ravindran, 1993). The use of plantain peel flour in some products such as complementary food and pasta has been reported (Ovando-Martinez et al., 2009; Ayo-Omogie & Ogunsakin, 2013; Osorio-Díaz et al., 2014; Almanza-Bentiez et al., 2015).
Plantain is similar to unripe bananas in outward appearance, larger and their flesh is starchy rather than sweet, used mostly unripe, and require cooking. Peel-the main by-product of the banana processing industry represents approximately 30 % of the fruit. This by-product constitutes an environmental problem because it contains large quantities of nitrogen and phosphorus and its high water content makes it susceptible to modification by microorganisms (Tchobanoglous et al. 1993). The plantains are consumed at different stages of maturity and the amount of peels is expected to increase with the development of processing industries that utilise the green and ripe banana. Banana peel flour potentially offer new products with standardised compositions for various industrial and domestic uses (Emaga et al. 2007). Various studies have been conducted to investigate possible value addition to banana peel including the production of banana peel flour (Ranzani et al. 1996), the effects of ripeness stage on the dietary fibre components and pectin of banana peels (Emaga et al. 2008).
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), a sweet-tasting tuberous root, is ranked fourth in terms of consumption in the world after wheat, maize, and rice (Odebode, Egeonu, & Akoroda, 2008). Nigeria was ranked the leading producer of sweetpotato in Africa between 1993 and 2013 (Olatunde, Henshaw, Idowu, & Tomlins, 2016). It is rich in carbohydrate consisting mainly of starch and sugar (occurring as sucrose, glucose, and fructose), and small amounts of pectins, hemicellulose, and cellulose (Preedy et al., 2011; Saeed et al., 2012; Onabanjo & Ighere, 2014). Other chemical constituents of sweetpotato include protein, dietary fiber, β-carotene, vitamins B, C, and E, and minerals such as manganese, potassium, and iron. It is a beneficial food for the diabetics, as preliminary studies on animals have revealed its ability to assist to stabilize blood sugar level and lower insulin resistance (Odebode et al., 2008; Preedy et al., 2011). Sweetpotato flour (SPF) is used for baking on its own or as composite flour, as well as a stabilizer in the ice-cream industry. SPF is used as a dough conditioner in bread and biscuit manufacturing (Hagenimana, Carey, Gichuki, Oyunga, & Imungi, 1998; Shih, Adebowale, & Tafa, 2006; Hathorn, Biswas, Gichuhi, & Bovell-Benjamin, 2008; Preedy et al., 2011).
The use of composite unripe plantain peels and sweet potato flours in food commodities is expected to prevent and control certain metabolic diseases and improve the nutritional status of consumers (Annelisse, Susan, Frank, & William, 2011; Almanza-Bentiez et al., 2015). The objective of this study was therefore to determine the nutrient composition, functional, and pasting properties of flour blends meal from unripe plantain peel, and sweet potato.
1.2 Statement of Problem
FAO (2009) has reported that, more than 2.5 million metric tonnes of plantain are produced in Nigeria annually but 40% to 60% post harvest losses had been reported which is attributed to lack of storage facilities and inadequate technologies for food processing. Processing the plantain pulp into flour will reduce the post harvest losses and increase the shelf life or storages.
Unripe plantain is traditionally processed into flour in Nigeria and other west and central Africa countries (Ukhum and Ukpebor, 1991). The flour produced is mixed with boiling water to produce an elastic pastry (Amala in Nigeria) which is eaten with various sauce and soup. It is recommended to produce plantain flour from green plantain since it has high starch content of about 35% on wet weight basis (Simmond, 1976). Ogazi et al., (1996) reported, the feeding mainly on plantain cannot meet with up the daily protein requirement, therefore protein supplementation is essential by incomparating the plantain flour with protein rich legumes.
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the study
The main aim of this study is to determine the functional, anti-nutritional, pasting and mineral properties of composite meals from potatoes and plantain peel. The Specific Objectives of the study are:
- To determine the Proximate composition of the meals from potatoes and plantain peel
- To determine the functional properties of the meals from potatoes and plantain peel
- To determine the pasting properties of the meals from potatoes and plantain peel
- To determine the anti-nutritional properties of the meals from potatoes and plantain peel
1.4 Justification
- Processing plantain peels into flour makes it a convenient food which increases in consumption since it is produce into instant flour
- The improvement of dietary fiber in the product and other nutritional value will reduce spike associated with carbohydrate food to high glycemic food thus reducing the target of various diseases such as diabetic and obsesses person including ulcer patient
1.5 Scope of study
The plantain and potatoes obtain will be used to produce flour which can be consumed as an instant swallow. The plantain will be processed into peels by peeling out the layer before processing it into flour. The Proximate composition, functional, pasting and anti-nutritional properties of the product from the composite flour will be analysed using acceptable general method and standard
CHAPTER TWO: The chapter one of this work has been displayed above. The complete chapter two of "functional, anti nutritional, pasting and mineral properties of composite meals from potatoes and plantain peel" is also available. Order full work to download. Chapter two of "functional, anti nutritional, pasting and mineral properties of composite meals from potatoes and plantain peel" consists of the literature review. In this chapter all the related works on "functional, anti nutritional, pasting and mineral properties of composite meals from potatoes and plantain peel" were reviewed.
CHAPTER THREE: The complete chapter three of ""functional, anti nutritional, pasting and mineral properties of composite meals from potatoes and plantain peel is available. Order full work to download. Chapter three of "functional, anti nutritional, pasting and mineral properties of composite meals from potatoes and plantain peel" consists of the methodology. In this chapter all the method used in carrying out this work was discussed.
CHAPTER FOUR: The complete chapter four of ""functional, anti nutritional, pasting and mineral properties of composite meals from potatoes and plantain peel is available. Order full work to download. Chapter four of ""functional, anti nutritional, pasting and mineral properties of composite meals from potatoes and plantain peel" consists of all the test conducted during the work and the result gotten after the whole work
CHAPTER FIVE: The complete chapter five of "functional, anti nutritional, pasting and mineral properties of composite meals from potatoes and plantain peel" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter five of "functional, anti nutritional, pasting and mineral properties of composite meals from potatoes and plantain peel" consist of conclusion, recommendation and references.
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