This is to certify that the research work, "identification the sibling species of anopheles gambiae s.l, and determine the insecticide resistance mechanism present in the population" by ---, Reg. No. --/H2007/01430 submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement award of a Higher National Diploma on --- has been approved.
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This project is dedicated to Almighty God for his protection, kindness, strength over my life throughout the period and also to my --- for his financial support and moral care towards me.Also to my mentor --- for her academic advice she often gives to me. May Almighty God shield them from the peril of this world and bless their entire endeavour Amen.
The successful completion of this project work could not have been a reality without the encouragement of my --- and other people. My immensely appreciation goes to my humble and able supervisor mr. --- for his kindness in supervising this project.
My warmest gratitude goes to my parents for their moral, spiritual and financial support throughout my study in this institution.
My appreciation goes to some of my lecturers among whom are Mr. ---, and Dr. ---. I also recognize the support of some of the staff of --- among whom are: The General Manager, Deputy General manager, the internal Auditor Mr. --- and the ---. Finally, my appreciation goes to my elder sister ---, my lovely friends mercy ---, ---, --- and many others who were quite helpful.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This work "identification the sibling species of anopheles gambiae s.l, and determine the insecticide resistance mechanism present in the population" research material is a complete and well researched project material strictly for academic purposes, which has been approved by different Lecturers from different higher institutions. We made Preliminary pages, Abstract and Chapter one of "identification the sibling species of anopheles gambiae s.l, and determine the insecticide resistance mechanism present in the population" visible for everyone, then the complete material on "identification the sibling species of anopheles gambiae s.l, and determine the insecticide resistance mechanism present in the population" is to be ordered for. Happy viewing!!!
1.1 Background of the Study
Malaria remains the world most important parasitic disease of public health importance (WHO, 2013). It is the major public health problem in Nigeria contributing a quarter of the malaria burden in Africa (WHO, 2008). The disease is the most important cause of human morbidity and mortality and with enormous medical, emotional and economic impact in the world (Boccolini, et al., 2012; Coetzee, et al., 2000). Nigeria is one of the six countries in the WHO African region with the highest burden of malaria. Nigeria contributes a quarter of malaria burden in Africa (World Malaria Report, 2012). In 2013, malaria killed an estimated 584 000 people with over 2 million cases (WHO, 2014). Nigeria is reported to have the unenviable record of contributing about 25% of the world malaria burden (WHO, 2012).
Anopheles mosquito transmits malaria. The most important vectors of malaria are members of Anopheles gambiae s.l. (complex), a group of morphologically identical yet genetically and behaviourally distinct species that differ markedly in their ability to transmit the diseases (Coluzzi, 1979). Members of the species complex include Anopheles gambiae s.s., An. arabiensis, An. merus, An. melas, An. bwambe, and An. quadriannulatus (Coetzee, et al., 2000).
The major control interventions against malaria vectors include Insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spray (IRS) with insecticides. IRS has helped to eliminate malaria from great parts of Asia, Russia, Europe, and Latin America. Long- lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) are the preferred form of ITNs for public health distribution programmes. WHO recommends coverage for all at-risk persons, and the most cost effective way to achieve this is through provision of free LLINs for sleeping every night. (Pluess, et al., 2010; WHO, 2013).
However, these control efforts are threatened by several challenges which includes incorrect identification, biology distribution and insecticide resistance (Awolola, et al., 2002, 2005; Ranson, et al., 2011; Ibrahim, et al., 2014; Okorie, et al., 2015), and lack of surveillance research interventions (Slutsker, 2012).
To overcome these challenges from undermining control programs, correct identification, distribution of Anopheles vector must be understood and insecticide resistance management must reduce the current overreliance on pyrethroids. These compounds are used widely for indoor residual spraying and uniquely for insecticide- treated bed nets as it is the only class of insecticide of the four major classes of insecticide recommended for malaria control by World Health Organization.
A mutation at a single target site can result in mosquito resistance to DDT and pyrethroids or to organophosphates and carbamates. Furthermore, mosquitoes can express multiple insecticide-resistance mechanisms (Perera, 2008). For example, in several populations of the major malaria vector in Africa, Anopheles gambiae s.l. mosquitoes, mutations in the DDT/pyrethroid target site, known as knockdown resistance (kdr) alleles, have been found in conjunction with resistance alleles of the acetylcholinesterase gene (Ace-1), the target site of organophosphates and carbamates (Yewhalaw, et al., 2011).
1.2 Statement of Problem
Information on species composition, distribution and susceptibility status of Anopheles to insecticides are important parameters to assess the effectiveness of malaria vector control strategies. Such information is currently unavailable to malaria control programmes in Kaltungo and Balanga Local Government Area of Gombe state.
1.3 Significance of the Study
The identification of malaria vector species, distribution and susceptibility status to insecticides are vital to effective malaria control strategies. If meaningful control strategies are to be formulated against the malaria vectors in the Sahel, studies to confirm the predominant sibling species of An. gambiae sensu lato must be carried out (Gadzama, 1983). This study therefore, identifies An. gambiae to species level, molecular forms, distribution and resistance mechanism present in the resistant Anopheles population in Gombe state. This information will help in formulating appropriate control strategies in Kaltungo and Balanga Local Government Area of Gombe state.
1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study
The aim of this study is to identify the sibling species of Anopheles gambiae s.l, and determine the insecticide resistance mechanism present in the population.
- To identify the Anopheles mosquitoes collected using morphological keys.
- To identify the sibling species of Anopheles gambiae complex using species- specific PCR assay.
- To identify and determine the distribution of molecular forms of An. gambiae s.s. [An. gambiae (S form) and An. coluzii (M form)] using Restriction Length Fragment Polymorphism (RFLP) technique.
- To determine the distribution of molecular forms of Anopheles gambiae s.s.
- To identify the involvement of Knockdown resistant (kdr) point mutation in the resistant population of An. gambiae complex in the study area.
CHAPTER TWO: The chapter one of this work has been displayed above. The complete chapter two of "identification the sibling species of anopheles gambiae s.l, and determine the insecticide resistance mechanism present in the population" is also available. Order full work to download. Chapter two of "identification the sibling species of anopheles gambiae s.l, and determine the insecticide resistance mechanism present in the population" consists of the literature review. In this chapter all the related works on "identification the sibling species of anopheles gambiae s.l, and determine the insecticide resistance mechanism present in the population" were reviewed.
CHAPTER THREE: The complete chapter three of "identification the sibling species of anopheles gambiae s.l, and determine the insecticide resistance mechanism present in the population" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter three of "identification the sibling species of anopheles gambiae s.l, and determine the insecticide resistance mechanism present in the population" consists of the methodology. In this chapter all the method used in carrying out this work was discussed.
CHAPTER FOUR: The complete chapter four of "identification the sibling species of anopheles gambiae s.l, and determine the insecticide resistance mechanism present in the population" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter four of "identification the sibling species of anopheles gambiae s.l, and determine the insecticide resistance mechanism present in the population" consists of all the test conducted during the work and the result gotten after the whole work
CHAPTER FIVE: The complete chapter five of design and construction of a "identification the sibling species of anopheles gambiae s.l, and determine the insecticide resistance mechanism present in the population" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter five of "identification the sibling species of anopheles gambiae s.l, and determine the insecticide resistance mechanism present in the population" consist of conclusion, recommendation and references.
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