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USER'S INSTRUCTIONS: The project work you are about to view is on "impact human resources management staff performance productivity organization". Please, sit back and study the below research material carefully. This project topic "impact human resources management staff performance productivity organization" have complete 5(five) Chapters. The complete Project Material/writeup include: Abstract + Introduction + etc + Literature Review + methodology + etc + Conclusion + Recommendation + References/Bibliography.Our aim of providing this "impact human resources management staff performance productivity organization" project research material is to reduce the stress of moving from one school library to another all in the name of searching for "impact human resources management staff performance productivity organization" research materials. We are not encouraging any form of plagiarism. This service is legal because, all institutions permit their students to read previous projects, books, articles or papers while developing their own works.







This is to certify that the research work, "impact human resources management staff performance productivity organization" by ---, Reg. No. --/H2007/01430 submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement award of a Higher National Diploma on --- has been approved.

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This project is dedicated to Almighty God for his protection, kindness, strength over my life throughout the period and also to my --- for his financial support and moral care towards me.Also to my mentor --- for her academic advice she often gives to me. May Almighty God shield them from the peril of this world and bless their entire endeavour Amen.


The successful completion of this project work could not have been a reality without the encouragement of my --- and other people. My immensely appreciation goes to my humble and able supervisor mr. --- for his kindness in supervising this project.
My warmest gratitude goes to my parents for their moral, spiritual and financial support throughout my study in this institution.
My appreciation goes to some of my lecturers among whom are Mr. ---, and Dr. ---. I also recognize the support of some of the staff of --- among whom are: The General Manager, Deputy General manager, the internal Auditor Mr. --- and the ---. Finally, my appreciation goes to my elder sister ---, my lovely friends mercy ---, ---, --- and many others who were quite helpful.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This work "impact human resources management staff performance productivity organization" research material is a complete and well researched project material strictly for academic purposes, which has been approved by different Lecturers from different higher institutions. We made Preliminary pages, Abstract and Chapter one of "impact human resources management staff performance productivity organization" visible for everyone, then the complete material on "impact human resources management staff performance productivity organization" is to be ordered for. Happy viewing!!!


This study examines the impact of human resource management on organizational performance. Generally, this study was made on the management, staffs and the customers of Airtel Telecommunication, Asaba metropolis in Oshimili South local government area of Delta state, Nigeria. Primary and secondary data were sources of data collection for this study. Structured questionnaire were used to elicit data from the respondents. One hundred (100) respondents were selected for this study but seventy (70) were eventually used. A survey research design was employed and a simple random sampling technique was adopted. Simple percentage method and regression statistical tool was employed as the major analytical tool. The findings revealed that recruitment and selection has a significant relationship on employee’s turnover. Also, the findings led to the conclusion that reward system has a positive effect on job satisfaction and performance appraisal can directly determine employee’s productivity. The study therefore recommended that training and development contribute to the profitability of the organization.

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

The management of people within the organisation has become an increasingly recognized important focus for researchers and practitioner over the past 20 years. Organisations are becoming more aware of important role human resource play in the success of their organisations to achieve financial performance. As a result, organisations are becoming more employee-centric by focusing on enhancing employees’ engagement and organisational commitment. It is important for organisation to adopt human resources management (HRM) system that optimizes workforce as it enables organisation to achieve competitive advantage in today’s global market economy that provides wider access to technology, finance and other resources. Pfeffer (1994) stated that firms have increasingly recognized the potential for their people to be a source of competitive advantage. Creating competitive advantage through people requires careful attention to the practices that best leverage these assets. According to Nishii, (2008) scholars generally agree that appropriately designed, Human resources management practices can enhance organizational performance. Related theories suggesting and supporting assumption holds that the practices of Human Resources Management influences employees attitudes and behaviours. Human Resource Management is an invisible asset in an organisation. It creates value when embedded in the operational system that enhances organisational performance and ability to deal with turbulent environment. Effective HRM assists in developing human resources into high quality and efficient workforce thus enabling the organisation to obtain a competitive advantage through their people. In contrast, inefficient workforce can increase labour cost and decrease organisation productivity. However, in order to remain competitive, grow and diversify, an organisation must ensure that its employees are qualified, placed in appropriate position, properly trained, managed effectively and committed to the firm’s success. The goal of HRM is to maximize employees contribution in order to achieve optimal productivity and effectiveness while simultaneously attaining individual objective (such as having a challenging job) and obtaining recognition) and societal objectives (such as legal compliance and demonstrating social responsibility).
Human resource dimensions or practices (training, recruitment, reward system performance appraisal etc) have considerable impact on the performance of organizations and these contribute to the affirmative link between human resource management and organizational performance (Osman, 2012).Training is a flexible way to develop an employee as it consists of both formal and informal ways to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of employees (Ellstrom, 2011). Job security increases employees’ honesty, keeps employees committed to the organization and provides security to valuable information as well (Raji and Jackson, 2011). Reward system is imposed on organization to evaluate reward and organization reward employees on the basis to get value by elaborating what they have spent and what they have got (Armstrong, 2011). Employee performance can be evaluated by the evaluation of task and reward system. Employee performance is one that is affected by the knowledge transfer that helps employee to develop their understanding of networking as well as focusing on the organizational performance. Organizational performance is related to organizational justice which allows employees to get committed to task assigned to him or her. HRM dimensions greatly influences the employees attitude which in turn affects employees’ performance. If HRM system works effectively, then increase in the organizational performance will be seen (Snape and Redman, 2010). Competitive advantage is viewed as a source of competitive advantage is a must for any organization and employees are always viewed as source of competitive advantage for any organization (Barney, 1991; Pfeffer, 1994). So, human resource management must be made in such a way that can utilize employees in the best possible way to increase performance of organizations.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Research problem is an intellectual stimulus calling for an answer in the form of scientific inquiry. From experience over the years, with the role of human resource management in the achievement of organizational goal in Nigeria compared to other organizations of the world. It has been observed that human resource management in Nigeria have not performed well to support the efficiency and growth of the nation. Any management that is keen on training its personnel is usually faced with the problem of cost/benefit analysis. It is very easy to work cost but it is difficult to put value on the asset. It is therefore pertinent to list the problems associated with training human resource in the organization.
It has been observed that the problem facing business and increasingly number of workers are being faced with poor condition of service including remuneration. Furthermore, the foreign exchange problem has added a new dimension to the range of problem facing business organization. The overall effect of the problem is that most business organization can no longer afford to offer the employees good remuneration and adequate compensation for their labour. This is a situation that brought about ineffectiveness of human resource in the achievement of organizational goals.
Presently, Nigeria economy is experiencing some economic difficulties which have resulted in retirements, retrenchments, lay-offs, mergers and acquisitions and dismissal of employees.
Furthermore, prominent among the reasons why organizations perform poorly in most organization in Nigeria is the problem of fund. Thus, this is the reason for the introduction of two schemes and programmes by the federal Government through the CBN which are geared towards improving the accessibility and availability of credit to the companies in order to make them more vibrant. Even the funds cannot manage themselves without the human resource.
At this point, the problem this study seeks to address is to find out the impact of HRM and how it has facilitated the growth and achievement of organizational goals.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Research objectives are statements that the research project will attempt to achieve. They provide the guidelines for establishing research agenda of activities necessary to implement the research process (Hair et al, 2006; 663).
The main objective of this study is to find out the impact of Human Resource Management (HRM) on organizational performance. Aside this, other specific objectives that will be addresses are;

  1. To determine the relationship between recruitment and selection on employees’ turnover.
  2. To examine the influence of reward system on job satisfaction.
  3. To find out the effect of training and development on profitability
  4. To determine the impact of performance appraisal on employee’s productivity.

1.4 Research Questions

Research Question is the question which the researcher set out to answer. It is essentially a hypothesis asked in the form of a question (Kerlinger 2006).
Given the objectives of the study above, the following research questions are this formulated to guide the study

  1. Does recruitment and selection have effect on employees’ turnover?
  2. What role does reward system play on job satisfaction?
  3. Is there any association between training and development on profitability?
  4. What is the relationship between performance appraisal and employee’s productivity

1.5 Research Hypothesis

Research hypothesis is a formal statement that presents the expected relationship between an independent and dependent variable (Creswell 2006).
From the research questions above, this study will be anchored on the following hypothesis

  1. Ho1: Recruitment and selection has no significant association on employee’s turnover.
  2. Ho2: Reward system negatively influences Job satisfaction
  3. Ho3: Training and development does not affect profitability
  4. Ho4: Performance appraisal cannot directly determine employee’s productivity.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The study is carried out within Asaba metropolis, Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria. The study focuses on the telecommunication industry in Nigeria generally but only covers Airtel Nigeria Plc.The sampling objects used in the study are employees and customers of Airtel telecommunication industry, Asaba metropolis. It was presumed that this group of people could provide more information in response to the questions contained in the questionnaire – The impact of Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance. The highlighted indicator of the independent variable includes training and development, performance appraisal, recruitment and selection and reward system. Although, Human resource management covers a very wide range of dimensions or indicators, but focus will only be made on the above listed indicators.
Staff Reluctance: In most cases the staffs of Flour Mills Plc Calabar often feels reluctance over providing required information required by the researcher. This result in finding information where the structured questionnaires could not point out.
Researcher’s Commitment: The researcher, being of full time student spent most of her time on other academic activities such as test, class work, assignment, examination etc which takes average focus from this study.
Inadequate Materials: Scarcity of material is also another hindrance. The researcher finds it difficult to long hands in several required material which could contribute immensely to the success of this research work.

1.7 Significance of the Study

Some organizations neglect the importance of Human resource, while some organization do not make provision for this crucial part of organization; therefore, this study will be helpful to organizations who currently have not adopted the idea of human resource management. It will also be helpful to organizations who have an ineffective human resources, as it would expose the activities and the various positive changes an effective human resource management can provide. Furthermore, the findings provided in this study can be useful for further studies.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Human Resource:

Human resources are the people who make up the workforce of an organization, business sector, or economy.

Human Capital:

“Human capital” is sometimes used synonymously with “human resources”, although human capital typically refers to a more narrow view (i.e., the knowledge the individuals embody and economic growth).


Management (or managing) is the administration of an organization, whether it be a business, a not-for-profit organization, or government body.


An organization or organization is an entity comprising multiple people, such as an institution or an association, that has a collective goal and is linked to an external environment.


Effectiveness is the capability of producing a desired result or the ability to produce desired output. When something is deemed effective, it means it has an intended or expected outcome, or produces a deep, vivid impression.

1.8 Organization of the Study

This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study), statement of problem, objectives of the study, research question, significance or the study, research methodology, definition of terms and historical background of the study. Chapter two highlight the theoretical framework on which the study is based, thus the review of related literature. Chapter three deals on the research design and methodology adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding. Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study.

Chapter Five

Summary Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Introduction

It is pertinent to note that this research was aimed at finding out the impact of human resource management practices on organizational effectiveness, assessing flour Mill, Calabar human resource practices and its effectiveness, thus the topic “effect of human resource management practice on organizational effectiveness”.
In the preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in addressing the challenges associated with human resource management practice on organizational effectiveness.

5.2 Summary

It could be seen from the findings of this study and the critical responses collected from the respondents from review of related literature, the findings of this study can be summarized as follows: – the research was able to identify with the fact that indeed the concept of human resource management is being practiced in Flour Mill Plc Calabar, but not as expected by staffs of the organization.
The findings further reveals that the organizational structure of an organization where staff are classified into different levels and categories create negative impact and this affect the practice of human resource management in such organization, but Betcherman asserts that to enlist workers full potential, most organizations should posits the need for re-engineering their organizations towards adopting a “flat” hierarchical structures that will in turn create room for effective human resource management practice in such organization.
From the testing the two hypotheses of this study, it is certain that are great benefits in applying the practice of human resource management in organizations such as Flour Mill Plc Calabar as well as some disadvantages, these benefits as observed from this research work, if not fully harnessed, will bring about job dissatisfaction, poor motivation, employee disloyalty to mention but a few etc. which will in turn affect the profitability of the organization as well as its goals and objectives.

5.3 Conclusion

Based on the objectives of this study, the researcher however conclusively state that this concept of human resource management is well known in most organizations, though it is not being applied to a great extent as it ought to be.
The research findings identified that employees do not feel a sense of fulfillment or motivation when this practice is absent in their organization, this affect their level of performance as they are not getting that job satisfaction that would bring out the best in them. It is however evident from this research work that for organizations to reap the benefits of employee efficiency, loyalty, increased productivity/output, sense of fulfillment and job satisfaction, management would have to constantly review its human resource policies, ensure good staff welfare package and good working environment.
Finally, for this concept to be effective in this organization, the limiting factors such as the organizational structures, the corporate culture, business strategies, policies and techniques, social factors, labor/trade unions should be flexible and constantly reviewed in order to achieve the organization’s goals. An organization’s should change its views and in turn ensure that the practice of human resource management is fully implemented. Human Resources Management is a reality without any firm foundation in Nigeria; condition Nigerian employees are yet to pass through.

5.4 Recommendation

The researcher finally proffer that managers should be tactful so that they could use the authority associated with their position to engender the acceptance and commitment of their staff without being obstructive. Management should design motivation schemes that would encourage workers to regard the work they do as their own work deserving of their commitment. Since the challenges to management in different organization is how best to apply the concept of human resource management practices in their organization. These best practices as observed from the research is listed but not limited to:

  1. Standard promotion, employee evaluation/appraisal criteria should be put in place.
  2. Constant review, flexibility of the organization human policies
  3. Performance incentive rewards and compensation should cut across all levels of staff and should be publicized to encourage and motivate others.
  4. Profitability/ bonuses sharing should be shared across all members of staff.
  5. Ensuring good staff welfare package to encourage staff motivation and loyalty.

Finally, all human resource management should try to identify the relationship between employer’s performance and organizational performance, both in public and private sectors of the world. Other human resource management should be investigated to provide a more clear and boarder picture to managers that will make it easy to decide which factor would increase employee’s perceived performance and the one that would not in public and private sector of any organization.

CHAPTER TWO: The chapter one of this work has been displayed above. The complete chapter two of "impact human resources management staff performance productivity organization" is also available. Order full work to download. Chapter two of "impact human resources management staff performance productivity organization" consists of the literature review. In this chapter all the related work on "impact human resources management staff performance productivity organization" was reviewed.

CHAPTER THREE: The complete chapter three of "impact human resources management staff performance productivity organization" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter three of "impact human resources management staff performance productivity organization" consists of the methodology. In this chapter all the method used in carrying out this work was discussed.

CHAPTER FOUR: The complete chapter four of "impact human resources management staff performance productivity organization" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter four of "impact human resources management staff performance productivity organization" consists of all the test conducted during the work and the result gotten after the whole work

CHAPTER FIVE: The complete chapter five of "impact human resources management staff performance productivity organization" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter five of "impact human resources management staff performance productivity organization" consist of conclusion, recommendation and references.



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