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This is to certify that the research work, "impact of effective communication on organisational productivity" by ---, Reg. No. --/H2007/01430 submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement award of a Higher National Diploma on --- has been approved.

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This project is dedicated to Almighty God for his protection, kindness, strength over my life throughout the period and also to my --- for his financial support and moral care towards me.Also to my mentor --- for her academic advice she often gives to me. May Almighty God shield them from the peril of this world and bless their entire endeavour Amen.


The successful completion of this project work could not have been a reality without the encouragement of my --- and other people. My immensely appreciation goes to my humble and able supervisor mr. --- for his kindness in supervising this project.
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PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This work "impact of effective communication on organisational productivity" research material is a complete and well researched project material strictly for academic purposes, which has been approved by different Lecturers from different higher institutions. We made Preliminary pages, Abstract and Chapter one of "impact of effective communication on organisational productivity" visible for everyone, then the complete material on "impact of effective communication on organisational productivity" is to be ordered for. Happy viewing!!!

This project has been carried out as a partial requirement for the Award of Higher National Diploma in Business Studies Management. 
The topic “impact of effective communication on organisational productivity” has been carried out using the Nigeria Brewery Plc, Amaeke Ngwo, Enugu State as the case study.
The project contained the chapters of which are enumerated below:
Chapter one, this work contains the various definitions in connection with the subject matter, the objective, scope and the general problem of this project work are in this chapter note on the limitation background of the  case study are also visited in the chapter two.
Consideration of the research, they are being contained in chapter two of this project work it gives the full review of literature, various definition were also considered in this chapter, chapter three of this work gives the details of how data were collected. The various sources of data and analysis, methods used.
The detail presentation and analysis of data collected were contained in chapter four of this work. Data were  being analysed as collected from the sources and were considered respectively, after the data were being analysed in relation to the topic of this project work collection conclusions were made summaries of the whole content of this project and various recommendation were given in chapter five of this project.
References and bibliography were given too.

This study of 32 small and medium-sized industrial enterprises explored eight distinct aspects of communication, as appraised by the staff (n = 493), and innovative performance, assessed by two indicators: perceived innovation effectiveness and patent statistics obtained from the Patent Register at the National Board of Patents and Registration of Trademarks. The results showed that intra-organizational aspects of communication, such as encouragement of initiatives and critical evaluation of performance, were associated with both indicators of innovative performance. In addition, a participative climate and interaction between the personnel in R&D, marketing and production were related to perceived innovative effectiveness, whereas interaction with clients and other firms related to the number of patents in the organization. The link between communication and innovation was interdependent with the organizational and staff characteristics including the number of personnel, administrative and R&D intensity, the level of vocational training, and the age distribution of the staff.

Title page

  1. Introduction

1.1  Objectives of the study
1.2  Scope of the study
1.3  Statement of General Problem  
1.4  Rationale for the study
1.5  Limitation and constraints
1.6  Historical background of the organisation

    1. Literature Review
    2. Concept of communication
    3. Organizational development studies and method of communication
    4. Importance of communication
    5. Barriers of communication Characteristics of small scale business
    6. Remedies for poor communication
    7. The purpose of communication
    8. Communication terminology
    9. Communication flow in organisation.


    1. Research methodology
    2. Method of used for data collection
    3. Sources of data
    4. Procedures for data collection


    1. Data analysis and presentation


    1. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
    2. Summary,
    3. Conclusion
    4.  Recommendation



Effective communication is a major determinant of organisation development which as been a great concern for the cooperation as well as the national over the decade and not recently.
The need for effective communication in an organizational development makes the military historical to think of army line of communication in military organizational the teacher towards his students, the superior towards his teacher towards his students, the superior towards his subordinates advice verse.
Also, we must allow the possibility that communication can take place not only between individuals but in firms institutions and government and various business organizations.
Working towards organizational development, it s necessary to obtain and maintain a tight and effective communication gap within the various function in an organisation.
There should be a good relationship between one department and the other and more importantly, between the organisation and its various environmental components.
Communication is an organisation is mainly concerned with how to fund and interprets feelings and as well as ideas and information.     
Thus, the word communication can be referred to as an act of imparting or transmitting information.
Communication in an organisation also involves in two ways i.e. the sender and the receiver, an effective communication is of great important in and out of any organisation in relation to this set goals and objectives i.e.  if organizational objective are to be achieved.
There must be sound level in their relationship and this could be attained through the deifiers of its communication.
In diviraels ward, there are some communication skills, which an organisation must develop upon i.e. the writing and reading skill written an organisation must develop upon i.e. the writing and reading skill written an organisation. The speaking and listening skill and the proper usage of meeting in an organisation.
The relevance of communication towards organizational development cannot be achieved without the following element or functions.
i.      Sender
ii.     Message – information
iii.    Receive
iv.    Feedback – reply.
Effective communication can be viewed in terms of dynamics in an organisation as it occurs in interrelationship between the management and staff.
However, sound ideas and well reasoned decision becomes effective only if it is being transmitted to other and relieved the resumed action or reaction in such an organisation.
The given of an understandable the message by the subordinate to the point that he is able to respond through appropriate action in which effective communication can also be said to be the purposeful and resistful exchange which realist actions and reaction are beings organized in an organisation.
For a purposely communication to be effective towards an organisation development in any organisation. The following must be noticed.
1)     The message send must be specific and unambiguous.
2)     The message within the outside organisation must be simple
3)     The timing of various institutions must be strictly adhere to.
4)     The ruler must be one word, one subject.
5)     The receiver must understand the expected action.

Communication is essential for internal functioning of any organisation because it intergrades the managerial function especially communication is needed in organisation to effect changes, to influence action towards the welfare of the organisation.
The forms of this study is to ascertain the effectiveness of communication on organizational productivity.
It is to established and disseminate goals of organisation to develop plans for their achievement, to organize human and other resources in the most effective and effect way.
It is also to select development and appraises member of an organisation to lead direct, motivate and create a climate in which its people wants to contribute and more to, to control performance for effective organizational development.
It is also relate the enterprises to its external environment. It is through information exchange that a manager become aware of the suppliers, the claims of stockholder, it is through communication that really organisation income an open system interacting with is environment, a fact whose important is emphased throughout this project.

Important of effective communication in an organisation in the scope range of this project. It is to determine how an organisation plan and execute its communication process in order to achieve the aim and objectives of such an organisation. 
This project will also analyse the various way in which effective communication has been a major determination of an organisation development.
With the help of the case study, it will also determines how the Nigeria Brewery Plc, Amaeke Ngwo, Enugu State(A case study) manages its communication system internally and externally with this sole aim of acquiring and apprehended end.

This has been in term of the following:

  1. The size and complexity of an organisation of the determines the rates of its communication of an efficiency in its organizational development.          
  2. Timing is very important in a situation where there is pension around the receive of the message could be in effective.
  3. Personally and ego conflict has been a major set back towards effective communication. Perties may be seeking their personal different instead of the message this posing a problem against effective communication.   
  4. Irrelevancy in communication and it’s channels furthermore the meaning of the message and conflicting signals takes place.
  5. Noise has been a feedback to, its an understandable or undaunted part which has contributed a problem to the effective of communication.

This study has been partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Award of Higher National Diploma. The study has been known and understand the organizational development which is being redetermined by its effectiveness in its communication.
This study will enable us understand how effective of communication in an organisation determine the productivity in relation to the case study chosen for this project.


This project will be limited to the communication system of an organisation (A case study of the Nigeria Brewery Plc, Amaeke Ngwo, Enugu State), with emphasis on effectiveness of communication in an organizational development and the various forms of communication used by the organisation based on the information supplied by the key officials of the Nigeria Brewery Plc, Amaeke Ngwo, Enugu State, its constraints will be on the official of the company is irresponsness and the difficultly of getting a reliable information needed for this project work.

Nigerian Breweries Plc, is the pioneer and largest Brewing Company in Nigeria and was incorporated in 1946 as "Nigerian Brewery Limited". In June 1949, the Company recorded a landmark feat when the first bottle of STAR lager beer rolled out of its Lagos Brewery bottling lines.
In 1957,the Company commissioned its second Brewery in Aba and the name became "Nigerian Breweries Limited''. Kaduna Brewery in 1963 and Ibadan Brewery followed this in 1982. Following the coming into effect of the Companies and Allied Matters Act in 1990,the name of the Company was changed to "Nigerian Breweries Plc'' to reflect its public limited liability status.
In 1993, the Company acquired its fifth Brewery in Enugu and in 2003, a sixth Brewery (Ama Brewery), sited at Amaeke Ngwo in Enugu State was commissioned. Operations in the old Enugu Brewery were discontinued in 2004 following the completion of Ama Brewery. It acquired an ultra­modern malting plant in Aba in 2008.
In October 2011, the Company acquired majority equity interests in two Companies; Sona Systems Associates Business Management Limited ("Sona Systems"), with two breweries in Ota and Kudenda, Kaduna, and Life Breweries Company Limited ("Life Breweries") with a Brewery in Onitsha. Another malting plant (located in the Kudenda, Kaduna Brewery) was acquired as part of the Sona Systems acquisition. Sona Systems and Life Breweries were merged with the Company in the middle of 2012. At the end of 2014, an enlarged Nigerian Breweries Plc emerged from a merger with Consolidated Breweries Plc. Three Breweries at lmagbon, near ljebu-Ode, Awo-Omamma, near Owerri and Makurdi were added to the existing eight Breweries as a result of the merger. The Onitsha and Makurdi locations were subsequently developed into Distribution Centres.
Thus, from a humble beginning in 1946,the Company now has nine fully operational Breweries from which its high quality products are produced and distributed to all parts of Nigeria, in addition to the two malting plants in Aba and Kaduna. It also has Sales Offices and Distribution Centres across the Country.
Nigerian Breweries Plc has a rich portfolio of high quality brands: Star lager beer was launched in 1949, followed by Gulder lager beer in 1970. Maltina, the nourishing malt drink, was introduced in 1976, followed by legend Extra Stout in 1992 and another malt drink, Amstel Malta in 1994. Heineken lager beer was re-launched into the Nigerian market in 1998. Fayrouz, the premium non­-alcoholic soft drink, was launched in 2006 while Climax herbal energy drink was launched in 2010. Following the acquisition of Sona Systems and Life Breweries in 2011, Goldberg lager, Malta Gold malt drink and life Continental lager, were added to the brand portfolio. The Company increased its portfolio of brands in 2014 with the addition of two line extensions of the Star brand- Star lite and Star Radler. Also in 2014, as a result of the merger with Consolidated Breweries Plc, "33" Export lager beer, Williams dark ale, Turbo King dark ale, More lager beer and a malt drink, Hi Malt, became part of the Company's product offering. The Ace brand in the Ready-to-Drink (RtD) category was launched in 2015 while Tiger lager beer, an international premium brand was added to the portfolio of brands in 2018.
The Company has an export business which dates back to 1986. The current export destinations are the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, United States of America, Canada, some parts of Africa and parts of the Middle East and Asia.
As a major Brewing Company, Nigerian Breweries Plc encourages, and continues to play major roles in, the establishment of ancillary businesses, These includes manufacture of bottles, cans, crown corks, labels, cartons and plastic crates as well as service providers including those in the hospitality sector, distribution, transport, event management, advertising and marketing communication.
The Company was listed on the floor of The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) in 1973.As at 31st December 2019, it had a market capitalisation of approximately 472 billion, making it one of the largest Companies in Nigeria by market capitalisation. It has received several awards in the capital market including, The NSE President's Merit Award in the Brewery Sector, The NSE Quoted Company of the Year Award, The NSE CEO's Distinguished Award for Compliance and The NSE CEO's award as the Most Compliant Listed Company on The Nigerian Stock Exchange. In 2019, the Company was a recipient of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSAN) Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance (Corporate Category) as well as the Institute of Directors' Nigeria Corporate Governance Award, 2019. These awards are a reflection of the Company's continued commitment to excellence in corporate governance matters.
Nigerian Breweries is also a recipient of several awards and recognitions in other areas of its operations including product quality, marketing excellence, productivity and innovation, health and safety, corporate social responsibility and sustainability.


The main focus of this project is on the need for effective communication as a major importance of organisation development in other to achieve this, some questionnaire were sent out to the company’s employees of this project (The Nigeria Brewery Plc, Amaeke Ngwo, Enugu State).
The communication in the Nigeria Brewery Plc, Amaeke Ngwo, Enugu State touches all their objectives can be realized by having a lot of customers and communication is the only means of achieving these.
Formal communication is more superior to other forms of communication in the company. The use of electronic devices is not so common as written message has an advantages occurs in other forms of communication because it is used for record purpose. Through oral communication is used but not common oral takes form of meeting and consultation while interview are in a while and its often done face to face.

The use of telephone could be recommended for installation upwardly directly message are majorly request for communication is the means of achieving company’s objective to reality.

This study has been conducted to examine how effective communication is the major determine of organizational development. After the entire finding has been done, it could be clearly pointed out that the world communication has a broaded meaning other than its internal meaning. It could be seen from the first chapter of this project.
Like wisely, various effectors that others has put into the topic was also well examined in the second chapter of this project various meanings, definitions and the importance of communication in an organizational development were also discussed.
The need for effective communication in an organization was found to be very important.
Also, during the data collection for this project work it was discussed that out of all the methods of communication within method seems to be most commonly used in the organization. It recognize the important of keeping records of transaction. Which can be said to have contributed to the development of the Nigerian Bottling Company due to its effectives.
Dialing with the content of this project it could be deducted from chapter one, the various department of communication both the literal meaning and the organization meaning, many scholars have been given various definitions of which the importance of the sender and the receiver were seriously highlighted.
Like wisely, the efforts of scholars and their conclusions were contained in chapter two. It gives the review of part write-up, which other researchers have made various definition, types, importance, method etc. were dealt with in this chapter.
Considering the procedures used in data collection various methods used and the general lookout method of this project they are well contained in the chapter three. This chapter enable us to father and relate with the data used for this work.
Chapter four revealed the data collected in making the project. The data never being presented and analysed in relation to the subject matter. It could be found that various opinions were given to various question asked of presented which indicate the difference in people’s opinion or ways of looking things.

It is an established fact that without effectives communication, the organizational development with be jeopardized. It has been prepared that effective communication is the major master mind behind any organized development. Different fact have been discussed from which has been deducted that effective communication determines the achievement and development of any organization no management of an organization can afford to told its arms and watch a very important and infant means of achieving  their objective ship up. Therefore, the important and infant means of achieving their objectives ship up. Therefore, the management of any organization should not take their communication either from one department to other, superior to subordinate vice-versa etc. with lively.
Looking into the case study of this project (Nigeria breweries) station only because of its proper usage of communication within and outside its organization set-up.
It has helped the company in increasing their sales awareness and has also helped in acquiring more information. The superior subordinate relationship has been kept right and has also established the trust of the shareholders in the appraises of the organization.


In the light of the fact that communication is important to achieve management objective, the following are recommended which by implemented we;; enhance and it regardful old come towards the aims and objective in an organization.
The importance of effective communication which has been studied in relation to is major importance in an organizational development has helped us as researcher in curbing out its effect and the establishment of its fact to us management student.
The recommendations are as follows:

  • Personality ego and every other difference that could be a barrier to achieving once objective should be eradicated
  • There should be encouragement as to the use of proper and adequate communication channel in order effects its effectiveness.
  • Rumours and grapevine between in superior officers and subordinate officers which could affect the others of the company should be discouraged. It is generally known that managers influences the attitude of affective communication is a major site inmate of organizational determinant enterprises members. This is done mainly through communication initiated by the top management. Although organization harders hence a major responsibility to set the right line for effective. Communication every person in an organization also shares this responsibility superior communicated with subordinate and vise-versa.
  • During the research of this project work it was discovered that there is close relationship among the member of the company. Thus it could be recommended to the company to maintain the relationship, which can only be improved through their communication network.
  • Conclusively, it could be found that many researcher have carried out researchers on topic relating to the work, it could therefore be advised that through examining of data should be well consorted in order not to mix up valuable data with unnecessary and relevant data.


CHAPTER TWO: The chapter one of this work has been displayed above. The complete chapter two of "impact of effective communication on organisational productivity" is also available. Order full work to download. Chapter two of "impact of effective communication on organisational productivity" consists of the literature review. In this chapter all the related work on "impact of effective communication on organisational productivity" was reviewed.

CHAPTER THREE: The complete chapter three of "impact of effective communication on organisational productivity" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter three of "impact of effective communication on organisational productivity" consists of the methodology. In this chapter all the method used in carrying out this work was discussed.

CHAPTER FOUR: The complete chapter four of "impact of effective communication on organisational productivity" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter four of "impact of effective communication on organisational productivity" consists of all the test conducted during the work and the result gotten after the whole work

CHAPTER FIVE: The complete chapter five of "impact of effective communication on organisational productivity" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter five of "impact of effective communication on organisational productivity" consist of conclusion, recommendation and references.



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