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Electric power supply is the most important commodity for national development. With electrical energy the people are empowered to work from the domestic level and the cottage industries, through the small-scale and medium industries to employment in the large-scale manufacturing complexes. In these days, depriving people of electric power is tantamount to castration. Power failure is a period of time when the electricity supply to a particular building or area is interrupted, for example because of damage to the cables or any other reason. Modern equipment requires a continuous supply of electricity. Not only industry, but also in the household. Take the case of a refrigerator. If you experience a power off situation, your food will be spoilt. This work in particular discuses power failure and its effect on appliances.



1.1                                                        INTRODUCTION
In modern society, it is impossible to imagine life without electricity. Modern equipment requires a continuous supply of electricity. Not only industry, but also in the household. Take the case of an ordinary refrigerator. If you experience a power off situation, your food will be spoilt. But much more important, what if the power failure "spoils" your business. For example, uninterrupted power supply is needed for your server, which manages your accounting programme or provides uninterrupted operation of your website.
Of course, in most critical applications, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) are used, but this is not always the case. Also, these devices cannot provide continuous operation in the event of remote power off. Often you need to take other action according to the situation. But how do you know that the remote site has experienced a power off condition?
Power failure may be caused by various factors: an overload on the power plant, a thunderstorm, cable breakage during excavations.

1.2                                          OBJECTIVE/AIM OF THE STUDY
The main objective of this work is to discuses on power failure in Nigeria and its effect on our appliances. At the end of this work, student will be able to understand:

  • power failure,
  • causes power failure,
  • the effects on our appliances and
  • How to prevent power failure from damaging our appliances.

1.3                                           SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY
As a student of electrical engineering, this seminar has exposed my knowledge about power failure, its causes, the effects on our appliances and how to prevent  it from damaging our appliances.

1.4                                            APPLICATION OF THE STUDY
Everyone experiences power failure and we all bear the negative effect on our appliances. This work is written to be applied in everyone daily life.

1.5                                              TYPES OF POWER FAILURE

Power outages are categorized into three different phenomena, relating to the duration and effect of the outage:

  • A transient fault is a momentary (a few seconds) loss of power typically caused by a temporary fault on a power line. Power is automatically restored once the fault is cleared.
  • A brownout or sag is a drop in voltage in an electrical power supply. The term brownout comes from the dimming experienced by lighting when the voltage sags. Brownouts can cause poor performance of equipment or even incorrect operation.
  • A blackout refers to the total loss of power to an area and is the most severe form of power outage that can occur. Blackouts which result from or result in power stations tripping are particularly difficult to recover from quickly. Outages may last from a few minutes to a few weeks depending on the nature of the blackout and the configuration of the electrical network.



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