Human Kinetics & Health Education is the study of the philosophy of physical and Health Education that aimed at promoting emotional, physical and psychological health of all children. The training of the mind in the understanding of the world.. This page contains project topics/write-up for Human Kinetics & Health Education. Hyclassproject's aim of providing all these research materials is to reduce the stress of moving from one school library to another all in the name of searching for project topics and materials. We are not encouraging any form of PLAGIARISM.This service is legal because, all institutions permit their students to read previous projects, books, articles or papers while developing their own works. According to Austin Kleon "All creative work builds on what came before".
Below are the list of our avaliable project topics/write-up for Human Kinetics & Health Education or related department, to view or download the complete work on each of the following works, click on the topic:
1. INCREASING OF DRUG ABUSE AMONG YOUTHS IN OUR SOCIETY(A CASE STUDY OF YOUTH OF UGHELLI METROPOLIS, DELTA STATE): This study examines increasing drug abuse among youths in ughelli metropolis, Delta State Nigeria. It is a survey study. A sample of 300 respondents from the youths in ughelli metropolis participated in the study ... READ AND DOWNLOAD.
2. THE IMPORTANCE OF HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN A FUNCTIONING HOSPITAL(A CASESTUDY OF FEDERAL MEDICAL CENTER, ASABA.): Hospital information systems provide a common source of information about a patient's health history. The system has to keep data in a secure place and controls who can reach the data in certain circumstances. These systems enhance the ability of health care professionals to coordinate care by providing a patient's health information ... READ AND DOWNLOAD
3. TUBERCULOSIS AND ITS MANAGEMENT AMONUG PEOPLE IN ALIHAGWU COMMUNITY OF DELTA STATE: This study focus on Tuberculosis and its management. Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially fatal contagious disease that can affect almost any part of the body but is mainly an infection of the lungs. It is caused by a bacterial microorganism, the tubercle bacillus or Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Although TB can be treated, cured, and can be prevented if persons at risk take certain drugs, scientists have never come close to wiping it out... READ AND DOWNLOAD
4. AN ATTITUDE OF WORKING MOTHERS TOWARDS EXCLUSIVE BREAST FEEDING IN GENERAL HOSPITAL UGHELLI: In delta state Nigeria, periodic national surveys report the practice of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) in the general population to be over 50 %. However, little is known about EBF among professional ... READ AND DOWNLOAD
5. `DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A HEARING AID: This work is on a hearing aid. A hearing aid is a device designed to improve hearing. Hearing aids are classified as medical devices in most countries, and regulated by the respective regulations... READ AND DOWNLOAD
6. `MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNIQUE: In an ideal world, we’d be able to diagnose and treat patients without any harmful side effects. Medical imaging remains one of the best ways to achieve that aim, being able to see what’s going on inside the body without the need for surgery or other invasive procedures. Indeed, it’s something we’re perhaps guilty of taking for granted at times... READ AND DOWNLOAD
7. `KANGAROO MOTHER CARE – BENEFITS AND CONSEQUENCES: This study examines the role of Kangaroo Care (KC) in an infant’s early development and their vital physiology. By surveying past studies performed analyzing the specific effects of KC, the most relevant health effects of kangaroo care were chosen to analyze ...READ AND DOWNLOAD
8. STERILIZATION OF MICROORGANISM FOUND IN FOOD ITEM (TOMATOES) USING UV LIGHT: The source of a large outbreak of food borne disease related to Salmonella-contaminated tomatoes has been traced to Nigeria. Although the microbiological quality of tomatoes sampled was similar to that found in markets from developed countries, the presence of pathogens causes a risk of infection for consumers...{read more to download full material}
9. EFFECT OF INSECTICIDE ON MANGO AND ITS CONTROL: Mangoes are an important smallholder and commercial crop in Nigeria, and one of the most important commercial crops in Nigeria. To achieve good yields with top quality fruits, mango growers currently rely on regular insecticide applications. This leads to increased costs, the reduction of natural predators and parasitoids that help control the insect pests, increased pest resistance to insecticides residues in the fruits and environmental pollution...{read more to download full material}
10. ESTIMATION OF FOOD WASTE IN A CITY, FOOD WASTE CHARACTERISTICS AND BIO ETHANOL POTENTIALS OF FOOD: Production of ethanol fuel from organic and food waste has been carried out with the singular aim of converting the waste to useful material. To achieve this, the conversion of organic waste and food waste were respectively carried out via acid and microbial hydrolysis...{read more to download full material}
11. DETERMINATION OF SUGAR CONTENT IN PINEAPLE FRUITS: This paper deals with the study of sugar content in pineapple fruits. Sugar present in the juice of pineapple (Ananas Cosmosus) which is edible crystalline carbohydrate mainly sucrose, lactose and fructose was elucidated. Pineapple juice was extracted from the pineapple sample. Qualitative and quantitative analysis were carried out. The qualitative analysis was carried out by using Benedict reagent, Seliwanoff’s reagent, phenylydrazine and thin layer chromatography. The quantitative evaluation was carried out by Dichromate method using glucose and fructose as standards. The results obtained for qualitative analysis showed that the juice contain glucose and fructose. The amount of glucose found was 3.9x10-2g/cm3 and 1.41x10-2g/cm3for fructose in the quantitative analysis...{read more to download full material}
12. HELMINTHIC PARASITES OF DOMESTIC FOWLS IN LOKOJA KOGI STATE: A survey of intestinal parasites of domestic fowl was carried out in Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria during 2009. One hundred and eighty (180) gastrointestinal samples were examined microscopically using the direct smear and floatation technique. The result showed a high prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection. Nematodes especially Ascaridia galli 47 (41.6%).and Capillaria caudinflata were most prevalent in the birds. Raillietina tetragona 11 (6.1%) was found...{read more to download full material}
13. THE IMPACT OF EARLY MARRIAGE AND ITS PERCEIVED NEGATIVE IN LAU LGA METROPOLIS ON FEMALE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: The purpose of this study is to identify interpret and understand the effect of early marriage on the academic performance of the girl-child with a view to recommending appropriate measure to be taken in order to enhance their welfare in terms of education...Read more to download
14. IMPACT OF AIR POLLUTION IN FOOD STUFF EXPOSE TO THE ENVIRONMENT(DRY FISH AS A CASE STUDY): The source of a large outbreak of food borne disease caused by contaminated food (dry fish) has been traced to Nigeria. Although the microbiological quality of dry fish sampled was similar to that found in markets from developed countries, the presence of pathogens causes a risk of infection for consumers...READ AND DOWNLOAD
15. MICRO-ORGANISM IN OUR ENVIRONMENT: Microbes and their biosynthetic capabilities have been invaluable in finding solutions for several intractable problems mankind has encountered in maintaining the quality of the environment. They have, for example, been used to positive effect and also negative effect in human and animal health, genetic engineering, environmental protection, and municipal and industrial waste treatment. Microorganisms have enabled feasible and cost-effective responses which would have been impossible via straightforward chemical or physical engineering methods. Microbial technologies have of late been applied to a range of environmental problems, with considerable success... READ AND DOWNLOAD
16. ASSESSMENT OF NUTRITIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICES AMONG EXPECTANT MOTHERS IN OVIRI-OKPE DELTA STATE: The interaction between a pregnant mother and her developing baby are numerous and varied ranging from the food she eats to the kicks of the baby that she feels. What the developing baby feeds on goes a long way in determining its state of health at birth. For a pregnant mother to eat healthfully, she needs to have adequate knowledge of the different component of food. But if the knowledge is not put in practice, it becomes meaningless... READ AND DOWNLOAD
17. CONSEQUENCES OF ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE AMONG THE YOUTH (A CASE STUDY OF YOUTHS IN OFUOMA COMMUNITY UGHELLI NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA DELTA STATE): Youths have higher rates of using alcohol and drugs in ways that increase their risk--getting very drunk, drinking while driving, and using drugs and alcohol together. The highest rate is found among reservation youth, a lower rate among non-reservation Nigerians, and the lowest rate among non-Indian youth...READ AND DOWNLOAD
18. FACTORS AFFECTING THE FUNCTION OF PARAMEDIC STUDENTS ON PRACTICAL IN DELTA STATE TEACHING HOSPITAL OGHARA: Paramedic students at Delta state Teaching Hospital undertake clinical placements to assist the hospital. Anecdotally, students report a lack of opportunity to practise their clinical skills whilst on placements due to some factor that worked as a barrier. The barriers to participation and the theory-practice gap have not been studies. The purpose of this study was to investigate the theory-practice gap for paramedic students by linking education... READ AND DOWNLOAD
19. ASSESSMENT OF THE HEALTH IMPLICATION OF HOME DELIVERY AMONG PREGNANT WOMEN IN OFOUMA: The study was designed to determine the effect of home delivery among pregnant women of ofuoma. Obstetric complications and maternal deaths can be prevented through safe delivery process. Facility based delivery significantly reduces maternal mortality by increasing women’s access to skilled personnel attendance. However, in ofuoma community ughelli north local government area delta state, most deliveries take place without skilled attendants and outside...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[20]. THE ASSESSMENT OF POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER AMONG INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS: This project was conducted in Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State, the assessment of Post Traumatic Disorder Among Internally Displaced Persons in Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State. This research was conducted to the benefit to humanity, chapter one covers the background of the study and it stated the problem of people that are internally displaced in Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State. Chapter two covers the review of relevant literature ...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[21]. THE ASSESSMENT OF POST TRUAMATIC STRESS DISORDER AMONG INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS: This project was conducted in Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State, the assessment of Post Traumatic Disorder Among Internally Displaced Persons in Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State. This research was conducted to the benefit to humanity, chapter one covers the background of the study and it stated the problem of people that are internally displaced in Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[22]. THE DETERMINATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HEIGHT AND HEART BEAT OF MALE AND FEMALE STUDENTS: This study examined the relationship between height and heart beat of male and female students in Delta State University, Abraka. The objective seeks to find out the relationship between height against the heart beat of male and female students. Calibrated stadiometer and Pulse Auximeterwas used to obtain the height and heart beat measurement of randomly selected 90 volunteers made up of 45 male and 45 female students. Total height of the individuals were measured in centimeters ... READ AND DOWNLOAD
[23]. THE EFFECT OF NUTRITION ON MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF SCHOOL AGED CHILDREN: In Nigeria today with the level of exposure and improvement in knowledge on health, food and nutrition, there have being a significant growth in the mental status of school aged children (Benton, 2009).Nutrition is usually considered to be important for physical health but mental health must be taken as equally important. Research in the field has shown that nutrition is one of many factors that potentially influence a child’s development besides genetic, socio-economic, environmental and behavioural factors (Associate Parliamentary & Health, 2008; Bryan et al., 2004) ...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[24]. DESIGN A STANDARD AND FUNCTIONING PRIMARY HEALTH CARE (PHC): The Primary Health Centre is the basic Structure and functional unit of public Health service in developing countries. Primary Health Centre (PHC) to people, in accordance with Alma at a declaration of 1978 by the number nation of world Health Organization (WHO)...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[25]. DETERMINANTS OF ACUTE MALNUTRITION AMONG UNDER-FIVE YEARS CHILDREN IN ILLELA LOCAL GOVERNMENT SOKOTO STATE, NIGERIA: Malnutrition is one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity among under-five children in Sub Saharan Africa. To understand the determinants of malnutrition among under –five children, a study was conducted in Arabaand kalmalo districts of Illela l/g to Understand the determinants in these districts...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[26]. DETERMINATION FACTORS INFLUENCING UTILIZATION OF ANTENATAL CARE SERVICES IN SELECTED HOSPITAL IN ILORIN WEST LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF KWARA STATE: Improving maternal health is one of the World Health Organization (WHO) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and professional health care during child birth is one of the process indicators in assessing progress towards these goals[1]. WHO has recommended four strategic interventions or four pillars for safe motherhood...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[27]. EFFECTS OF AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF PUNICA GRANATUM SEED ON TRITON-X100 INDUCED HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA IN RATS: The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of oral administration of aqueous extract of Punicagranatum seed on Triton X-100 induced hypercholesterolemia in rats...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[28]. THE EFFECT OF ANTIDIABETIC AGENT GLIBENCLAMIDE AND MELTFORMINE ON LIPIDS AND GLYCATEDHAEMOGLOBIN IN TYPE 2 DIABETES PATIENT ATTENDING UITH ILORIN: Diabetes mellitus (DM) has been defined as a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both (Akinmokunet al.,1992). Insulin is a hormone produced in pancreas and enables body cells to absorb glucose that is converted into energy when the body is in need...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[29]. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF GROUNDNUT PRODUCT IN OYO STATE NIGERIA: Groundnut on peanut commonly called the poor man’s nut is an important oil seed and food crop for millions of people in the semi and tropic...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[30]. ANALYSIS OF CONTENTS OF COW AND GOAT BONE ASH: This project work introduced some knowledge about the basics involved in finding the contents of bone. This project work deals with the principle of qualitative analysis of cations and anions...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[31]. PROXIMATE ANALYSIS ON TIGERNUT:Tiger nut is a tuber that is grown in the soil. It has a dimension ranging from 6-10 mm and occurs in different varieties. The colour is brown and has a sweet flavor when eaten...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[32]. BIOPLASTIC PRODUCTION FROM SWEET POTATOE PEELS USING GLYCEROL AS PLASTICIZER: Thermoplastic starch (TPS) was prepared from blends of natural sweet potato starch and polyvinyl alchohol (PVOH) at varying compositions by gelatinizing and plasticizing it with water and glycerol ...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[33]. MICROORGANISM ASSOCIATED WITH THE BUTCHER’S TABLE IN LOCAL MARKETS: Butchers’ Tables used to display meat for sale in nine different markets in Ibadan Metropolis were microbiologically examined for their implication on meat hygiene. Twenty seven strains of bacteria and eight strains of fungi were isolated and identified. They were identified on the basis of metabolic and physiological features...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[34]. IDENTIFICATION OF FUNGI ASSOCIATED WITH THE SPOILAGE OF COCOYAM: Fungi associated with the spoilage of cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) during storage was investigated in this study. Pure isolates of five storage rot causing fungi of cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) (L)Schott) corms were assessed for their potency in causing rot of the corms during storage. The isolates were Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc., Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat., Fusarium solanii (Mart) Sac., Fusarium SP. and Rhizopus stolonifer (Ehren ex. Fr) Lind. Each of the fungal organisms were inoculated on five corms of cocoyam free from blemish and were left for two...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[35]. PYROLYSIS OF BIOMASS WASTE AND PRODUCT UPGRADING (USING WATER SACHETS AS CASE STUDY): Biomass is a promising sustainable and renewable energy source, due to its high diversity of sources, and as it is profusely obtainable everywhere in the world. It is the third most important fuel source used to generate electricity...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[36]. MICROBIAL CONTAMINATION OF APRON WORN BY FOOD VENDORS: Aprons are used by food vendors for selling in nine different markets in Ibadan Metropolis were microbiologically examined for their implication on food vendor hygiene. Twenty seven strains of bacteria and eight strains of fungi were isolated and identified. They were identified on the basis of metabolic and physiological features while simple crystal violet staining was used for observing cell size and shape. The samples were placed on trypticase-soya–agar (TSA), for trophic bacteria and Sabouraud-glucose-agar (SGA) supplemented with chloramphenicol for fungi. Petri dishes...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[37]. INTEGRATED MICROCHIP FOR RAPID BLOOD GLUCOSE DETECTION: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most prevalent diseases and easily lead to serious complications. Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), an emerging biomarker for reliable monitoring of DM is commonly detected by bench-top immunoassays, which are labor-intensive and time-consuming....READ AND DOWNLOAD
[38]. DETERMINATION OF THE CAUSES, EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND ITS POSSIBLE CONTROL, WITHIN KWARA AND OSUN STATE: Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into an environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem i.e. physical system or living organisms.Ibiwoye E.O (2009), Pollution can take the form of chemical substance or energy such as noise, heat, or light. It was the industrial revolution that gave birth to environment pollution as we know it today...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[39]. THE EFFECTS OF SUGAR CANE BAGASSE ASH AS SUPLEMENTARY CEMENTITIOUS MATERIAL IN PRODUCTION OF CONCRETE: Concrete is the most commonly used construction material in the world. It is basically composed of two components: paste and aggregates. The paste which acts as binder contains cement, water and occasionally admixtures; the aggregate contains sand and gravel or crushed stone(Naik andMoriconi, 2003)....READ AND DOWNLOAD
[40]. EVALUATION OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF PALM OIL FUEL ASH (POFA) BLENDED – GRANITE - GRAVEL CONCRETE: Utilizing Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) in concrete mix is a major way of turning waste to wealth. Gravel as an aggregate is cheaper than granite. Thus, obtaining an optimum combination of these materials in achieving a maximum compressive strength in concrete will go a long way in helping the construction industry...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[41]. ENUMERATION OF BACILLUS CEREUS FROM FOOD SAMPLE SOLD IN PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL, ILORIN METROPOLIS: B. Cereus is a spore forming organism capable of developing at a whole range of temperature, PH and water activity values. (Barker et al; 2005) thus bacterium, frequency associated with food born disease can be found in the natural environment and isolated from various foods, including meat and meat production (Ahmed et al; 1983)...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[42]. THE ROLE OF COMMUNITY HEALTH PRACTITIONERS ON INJECTION SAFETY: Injection is one of the important health care procedures used globally to administer drugs. Its unsafe use can transmit various blood borne pathogens. This article aims to review the history and status of injection practices, its importance, interventions and the challenges for safe injection practice in developing countries...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[43]. AN INSIGHT INTO THE DRUG RESISTANCE PROFILE AND MECHANISM OF DRUG RESISTANCE IN NEISSERIA GONORRHOEAE: Among the aetiological agents of treatable sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), Neisseria Gonorrhea is considered to be most important, because of emerging antibiotic resistance strains that compromise the effectiveness of treatment of the disease...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[44]. ANTIBIOTICS SUSCEPTIBILITY PATTERN OF DIFFERENT BACTERIA ASSOCIATED WITH WOUND SEPSIS (A CASE STUDY OF UNIVERSITY OF ILORIN TEACHING HOSPITAL): This work investigated the antibiotic susceptibility profile of bacterial associated with wound sepsis of patients attending University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Teaching Hospital. Wound swabs were collected from a total number of Hundred patients with different kinds of wound (surgical wound, burn, ulcers and pressure sores) and cultured, of which 72 samples showed bacterial growth. Six different species of bacteria were isolated...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[45]. ANTI-PLASMODIAL PROPERTY OF MORINGA OLEIFERA SEED EXTRACT ON SWISS MICE: Malaria is an increasing worldwide threat, with more than three hundred million infections and one million deaths every year. Due to the emergence of antimalarial drug resistance, the continuous search for antimalarial agents...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[46]. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE PREVALENCE OF HYPERTENSION IN A GIVEN POPULATION USING DATA ANALYSIS: Hypertension is a leading cause of cardiovascular diseases and a growing public health problem in many developed and developing countries. However, population-based data to inform policy development are scarce in Nigeria...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[47]. ASSESSMENT OF KNOWLEDGE AND STRATEGIES FOR PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF DIARRHEA DISEASE AMONG UNDER FIVE CHILDREN IN OKO-ERIN COMMUNITY: Diarrheal disease is highly preventable, yet accounts for nine percent of all deaths among children under age five worldwide [Liu, 2013]. In 2013, this translated into about 580,000 child deaths, or, on average, 1,600 children dying each day due to preventable diarrhea [WHO, 2014]...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[48]. THE SOCIO ECONOMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FARMERS AND THEIR HOUSEHOLD IN IFELODUN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF KWARA STATE: Nigeria is blessed with abundant natural and human resources, but despite its significant natural resources, majority of the citizens are living below the poverty line. For instance according to WDI, (2015), an estimated 60% of Nigerians live on less than US$1.25 per day...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[49]. THE STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF ANTIDIABETIC DRUGS (METFORMIN AND DIABINESE) ON FEMALE SEX HORMONE IN TYPE TWO DIABETES MELLITUS PATIENT AT UNIVERSITY OF ILORIN TEACHING HOSPITAL ILORIN, NIGERIA: Type 2 diabetes mellitus, formerly known as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or adult onset diabetes, is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by hyperglycemia in the context of insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[50]. ASSESMENT OF KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE TOWARDS CHOLERA PREVENTION AND CONTROL IN ILORIN METROPOLIS KWARA STATE, NIGERIA: Cholera is an infection of the small intestine that is caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae 01 and 0139[1]. The main symptoms are profuse watery diarrhea and vomiting...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[51]. ASSESSMENT OF KNOWLEDGE AND STRATEGIES FOR PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF DIARRHEA DISEASE AMONG UNDER FIVE CHILDREN IN: OKO-ERIN COMMUNITY MOTHERS’ EXPERIENCE ILORIN WEST LOCAL GOVERNMENT KWARA STATE: Diarrheal disease is highly preventable, yet accounts for nine percent of all deaths among children under age five worldwide [Liu, 2013]. In 2013, this translated into about 580,000 child deaths, or, on average, 1,600 children dying each day due to preventable diarrhea [WHO, 2014]...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[52]. ASSESSMENT OF PERCENTAGE CHEMICALS PRESENT IN APPLE PEEL AND APPLE FLESH IN EXOTIC APPLE FRUITS FROM SELECTED MARKETS IN ILORIN, KWARA STATE, NIGERIA: Global production of apples is extremely high as its demands increased yearly, to meet this demand, the grower and marketer ensure that they maintain the quality of apple after harvest, during storage and delivery by using preservatives....READ AND DOWNLOAD
[53]. ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF VACCINE COLD CHAIN SYSTEM IN ILORIN WEST L G A KWARA STATE, NIGERIA: To ensure the optimal potency of the vaccine storage and handling, need or there is a careful attention adequate electricity power and refrigerator are often lacking in developing countries, where storage handling and heat stability of vaccine are consequently of great concern...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[54]. CAUSE AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN NIGERIA: Epilepsy is the most common non-infectious neurologic disease in developing African countries, including Nigeria and it remains a major medical and social problem. Historically, epilepsy was believed to be a sacred disease that is the result of the invasion of the body by a god...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[55]. MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNIQUE: In an ideal world, we’d be able to diagnose and treat patients without any harmful side effects. Medical imaging remains one of the best ways to achieve that aim, being able to see what’s going on inside the body without the need for surgery or other invasive procedures...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[56]. URINARY TRACK INFECTION SUSCEPTIBLY AMONG WOMEN WITH BLOOD GROUP B: The urinary tract is one of the most common places for the occurrence of bacterial infections, especially in women. Urinary infection can be defined as an infection of the urinary tract structures which occurs, generally, as a consequence of the presence or colonization of bacteria, like Escherichia coli (E.coli) and other Enterobacteriaceae...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[57]. IMPORTANCE OF AUTOMATED MEDICAL IMAGING ON PATIENTS AND PHYSICIANS: In an ideal world, we’d be able to diagnose and treat patients without any harmful side effects. Medical imaging remains one of the best ways to achieve that aim, being able to see what’s going on inside the body without the need for surgery or other invasive procedures. Indeed, it’s something we’re perhaps guilty of taking for granted at times...READ AND DOWNLOAD
[58]. FERMENTATION AND ITS HEALTH BENEFITS: In the past, the beneficial effects of fermented foods on health were unknown, and so people primarily used fermentation to preserve foods, enhance shelf life, and improve flavour. Fermented foods became an important part of the diet in many cultures, and over time fermentation has been associated with many health benefits...READ AND DOWNLOAD
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