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This is to certify that the research work, "a survey of the influence of child abuse on the academic performance of secondary school students in ilorin metropolis" by ---, Reg. No. EE/H2007/01430 submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement award of a Higher National Diploma on --- has been approved.

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PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This work "a survey of the influence of child abuse on the academic performance of secondary school students in ilorin metropolis" research material is a complete and well researched project material strictly for academic purposes, which has been approved by different Lecturers from different higher institutions. We made Preliminary pages, Abstract and Chapter one of "a survey of the influence of child abuse on the academic performance of secondary school students in ilorin metropolis" visible for everyone, then the complete material on "a survey of the influence of child abuse on the academic performance of secondary school students in ilorin metropolis" is to be ordered for. Happy viewing!!!


The study surveyed the influence of on the child abuse on academic performance of secondary school students in Ilorin metropolis. Data were collected from 200 randomly selected students.
A questionnaire was the major instrument used for data collection. The data collected were analysed using t-test and Pearson Product Moment Correlation.
The results indicated that the respondents were abused by their different parents; no significant relationship was found between child abuse and student’s academic performance when correlated. There is also no significant influence of child abuse on the academic performance of students.
It was recommended that public enlightenment campaign should be carried out on the danger of child abuse.

TITLE PAGE                                                              i
CERTIFICATION                                                        ii
DEDICATION                                                             iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                             iv
ABSTRACT                                                                vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                               viii
LIST OF TABLES                                                       xi

1.0   Background to the Study                                   1
1.1   Statement of the Problem                                   6
1.2   Purpose of the Study                                         7
1.3   General Questions                                             7
1.4   Research Hypotheses                                         7
1.5   Significance of the Study                                    9
1.6   Delimitation of the Study                                   10
1.7   Definition of Terms (Operational)                 11

2.0   Concept of Child Abuse                                      12
2.1   Pattern of Child Abuse                                       22
2.2   Prevalence of Child Abuse                                   27
2.3   Consequence of Child Labour/Errand Child         31
2.4   Appraisals of the Related Literature                     36

3.0   Introduction                                                      38
3.1   Research Design                                                38
3.2   Population of the Study                                      39
3.3   Sample and Sampling Technique                39
3.4   Instrumentation                                                39
3.5   Validity of the Instrument                                  40
3.6   Reliability of the Instrument                               41
3.7   Administration of the Instrument                        41
3.8   Data Analysis                                                    42

4.0   Hypothesis Testing                                             45
4.1   Discussion of Results                                         49

5.0   Summary                                                          52
5.1   Conclusions                                                      53
5.2   Implication of the Study                                     54
5.3   Recommendations                                             54
5.4   Limitation of the study                                       55
5.5   Suggestion for further studies                            55
References                                                                 57
Appendix                                                                   60

Table 1:     Distribution of Respondents by Sex             43
Table 2:     Distribution of Participants by Parental      
Education                                                 43
Table 3:     Distribution of Participants by Age Group    44
Table 4:     Distribution of Participants by Family Type 44
Table 5:     Results of Pearson Product Moment Correlation
Coefficient on Child Abuse and Student
Performance                                              45
Table 6:     Results of t-test analysis on male and
female performance                                    46
Table 7:     Duncan Multiple Range Test on Students
Performance by Parental Education             47
Table 8:     Results of t-test statistics on student
performance by age group                          48
Table 9:     Results of t-test analysis on the students’
performance by family types                       49


1.0           Background to the Study
Nigerian children are faced with many problems. Many of them suffer abuse in various forms such as neglect, abandonment and starvation. Some of them are victims of broken homes and conflict laden families. As a result of this, many of them are brought up in either single parent homes to by guardians.
Nigerians have positive attitudes to having and rearing the children (Oyebanre, 1991). This is because, they are considered as continuation of the family generation. Thus, according to Oyebanre (1991), is the reason why the extended family system serves to safeguard the welfare of its members.
Another reason for having children was to complement the family labour force. Garuba (1998) stated that Africans and Nigerians in particular have many children in order to use them for farming. She pointed out that in olden days, the larger your family members, the larger your extra hands to work in the farm and the healthy the individual would be in. thus, children in traditional society are taken to the farm at very tender age to cultivate the land.
It is also part of the child-rearing pattern to see children in the family as part of economic aspect. This was related by Oyebanre (1991) in two categories.
The first category is an aspect of socialization, she explained this method is a way of socializing children into the commercial activities. Thus, children are sent out to hawk commodities like cigarette, Kola, Water, groundnuts, etc. This is meant to teach the child how to count money, giving and collecting change.
The second category as noted by Oyebanre (1991) are the parents affected by economic recession in order to find alternative source of income, they engage their children to hawk commodities so that they (the children) could raise money to support the family. Others send them out as householders or as a child labourer called errand child (omo onise). In whatever form, the purpose is to work in order to raise money for the family sustenance.
In all enumerated practices, the children could be exposed to abuse, neglect and danger which could have adverse effect on the development of the children. Nwaomu (1990) asserted that many parents in Bendel State engaged their children in child labour and refuse to send them to school. This, according to her was because of the monetary gains which might not be used for the child’s benefit.
Many of these children that were engaged in this form of labour experienced different form of abuse, some were physically abused. Example of this form of abuse was a house mistress who poured kerosene on a house girl was beaten to the extent of being unconscious for alleged neglect of a baby put under her care.
Daroven (1995) reported that many children had been exposed to work harzard of various forms, children who are sent to engage in street trading have been found to meet with one form of accident or the other. He explained that some of them have been attack by thieves, beaten and money realized from hawking stolen away. Others, particularly girls, have been exposed to danger of sexual abuse leading to unwanted pregnancies and unclaimed child.
One of the growing concerns in the society seems to be the contribution of child abuse on the behavioural, emotional and living problems of children. All these, according to Gill (1999) are not without adverse effect of child’s development. These include juvenile delinquency, hooliganism, drug abuse, theft, teenage pregnancies, drop out and mass failure in school examinations.
Adegbite (1991) reported that poor academic performance of children could be attributed to the child’s background. This refers to the home in which the child is raised. He reported studies which found children of professionals, executives and clerics who receive parental support to be as advantage and academically performed better than children who are abused by their parents.
Personal experience has also shown that children who are abused could find it difficult to adjust to school situation. He could, therefore, found to be habitual late comers, to be always sleeping in the class while others are learning, to always be in short supply of needed school materials and to be among the backward students in the class. It is also the researcher’s opinion that children in this category need assistance in coping with their situations. This is the area of concern for the study.

1.1   Statement of the Problem
        Child abuse as one of the social problems plaguing the society could have far reaching effect and constitute block to children’s development. This is because the forms in which most of these children have been abused have prevented them from pursuing normal developmental trends as their colleagues. Thus they face the problem of under development in many areas. (Mustapha, 2002).
Many secondary school children who were abused face many problems including insufficient time for schooling, destruction from the normal academic programme, insufficient time for rest and denial of opportunity of enjoy as other children. All these could have negative effect on the school going and academic performance of secondary school  students. This is why, these researchers deem it fit to investigate the effects of child abuse on the academic performance of secondary school students.

1.2   Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of child abuse on students academic performance in Ilorin. I also sought to compare differences between academic performance of students on the basis of sex, age, family type and parental education.

1.3   General Questions
What is the influence of child abuse on the academic performance of secondary school students in Ilorin.

1.4   Research Hypotheses
The following hypotheses will be tested in the study:
H01: There is no significant relationship between the influence of child-abuse on the academic performance of secondary school students.
H02: There is no significant difference in the teachers perception of the effects of child-abuse in the academic performance of male and female secondary school students.
H03: There is no significant difference in the teachers perception of the effects of child-abuse in the academic performance of children from illiterate and literate homes.
H04: There is no significant difference in the teachers perception of the effects of child-abuse on the academic performance of young and old secondary school students.
H05: There is no significant difference in the teachers perception of the effects of children from polygamous and monogamous home.

1.5   Significance of the Study
The study is very necessary to determine if children that are abuse do well in secondary school or not. This is in view of the psycho-social problem confronting these children on the daily basis. Mass failure is a common phenomenon in our educational institutions, knowing the contribution of child abuse in the lives of young school children is an important factor for embarking on this study.
The study could be useful to the abused children themselves through the knowledge of negative consequences it has on them. They may therefore, learn to adjust and cope with the situation in order to improve on their academic activities.
The children abused could also benefit by knowing the damage they area causing on the lives of the innocent children.
The result of this study could be useful to administrators and educators who can use it for assisting abused children in school and to cope with their situations.
The study is very important to the counsellors. This is because, the result could provide necessary information to be used as sources for counselling. Thus, this could sere as aids to the counsellors for assisting the affected children.
The study may be useful as a source of information on the danger inherent in child abuse. This may propel the general public to rise against the abuse of children’s rights.

1.6   Delimitation of the Study
        The study investigates the effects of child abuse on the academic performance of primary school children in Ilorin. Data on pupils were collected and analysed across sex, age, parental education and family type.
The study involved 200 randomly selected primary school students. It is however limited to the teachers in the primary schools and the aspect of child abuse measured in the questionnaire.

1.7   Definition of Terms (Operational)
        The following terms are defined as used in the study.
Abuse: Being subjected to ill treatment or harsh conditions that may not be morally acceptable.
Child Labour: Engaging a child of tender age on very difficult task or labour beyond their capacity.

Errand Children: School going children who engage in manual work such as washing clothes, fetching water, cooking, etc for monetary gains.

1.8                                 PROJECT ORGANISATION
This work is divided into five chapters including this introduction. Chapter two is on the literature review and method of data collection are in chapter three. Results of findings are discussed in chapter four. The way forward is and conclusion in chapter five.

CHAPTER TWO: The chapter one of this work has been displayed above. The complete chapter two of "a survey of the influence of child abuse on the academic performance of secondary school students in ilorin metropolis" is also available. Order full work to download. Chapter two of "a survey of the influence of child abuse on the academic performance of secondary school students in ilorin metropolis" consists of the literature review. In this chapter all the related work on "a survey of the influence of child abuse on the academic performance of secondary school students in ilorin metropolis" was reviewed.

CHAPTER THREE: The complete chapter three of "a survey of the influence of child abuse on the academic performance of secondary school students in ilorin metropolis" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter three of "a survey of the influence of child abuse on the academic performance of secondary school students in ilorin metropolis" consists of the methodology. In this chapter all the method used in carrying out this work was discussed.

CHAPTER FOUR: The complete chapter four of "a survey of the influence of child abuse on the academic performance of secondary school students in ilorin metropolis" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter four of "a survey of the influence of child abuse on the academic performance of secondary school students in ilorin metropolis" consists of all the test conducted during the work and the result gotten after the whole work

CHAPTER FIVE: The complete chapter five of design and construction of a "a survey of the influence of child abuse on the academic performance of secondary school students in ilorin metropolis" is available. Order full work to download. Chapter five of "a survey of the influence of child abuse on the academic performance of secondary school students in ilorin metropolis" consist of conclusion, recommendation and references.


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